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IFuckedYourDadd t1_isth5hg wrote

Do people in these comments not know how genes work? Obviously the ones that aren't stillborn may still carry the genetics to have stillborn babies.

Some women have a stillbirth the first time, then have a successful birth the second time for example.


MinerMinecrafter t1_istu50b wrote

Isn't that basically the first thing you learn about genes at middle school?


IFuckedYourDadd t1_istu981 wrote

Yeah. But I mean its reddit, probably have a lot of drop outs on here


MinerMinecrafter t1_istuec7 wrote

And 10 year olds that are not supposed to be here


asdaaaaaaaa t1_iswmyfp wrote

People highly overestimate the average age of people on reddit I'd imagine (and how many of them are actual people). I wouldn't be surprised if the average age was around 14 or so, like a lot of other online games/groups. Looking at certain popular comments, it's pretty clear sometimes many people here have never held a more career-oriented job, or done a decent chunk of "normal adult things".


PfizerGuyzer t1_isucm1e wrote

Reddit has many Americans, whose education system unfortunately has them retain almost none of the information they learn for more than a day after the exam.


EastTyne1191 t1_isvjcuz wrote

Learning, sure. But retaining AND applying that information 15-20 years later? That's a tall order.


Mediocre_American t1_isu02u3 wrote

Nah, I didn’t learn about genes until 10th grade high school. And it was barely the basics. Had to relearn everything from uni or the internet.


MinerMinecrafter t1_isu0jt7 wrote

What, I learned about genes at 6th grade primary school for the first time and then again at 9th grade


D20Jawbreaker t1_isv1mzd wrote

I also didn’t learn of them til 10th and my teacher barely knew how to form a sentence. Wouldn’t let us use the word ‘things’ in her class it was trippy.


MountainDewde t1_isw9nze wrote

That stillbirths can occur, or that siblings of stillborn babies carry the same genes? I don't think stillbirths were mentioned when I first heard of genetics.


Rocketboy1313 t1_isus89g wrote

It is still possible to criticize the way they word things.

For instance, "a predisposition for stillbirths may be genetic" covers everything they want to reasonable levels.


YamaKazeRinZen t1_iswyz7b wrote

Some fact that should be mentioned, first pregnancy with a specific male has a higher chance of stillbirth or complication because the mother’s immune system need to learn adapting


AltruisticAcadia9366 t1_istmh0d wrote

but how does the mother inherit the gene from her brother?


m674 t1_istodft wrote

She doesn't, she inherits it from her father, the same person the brother inherited it from. However, if the mother has a child, the "gene" for stillbirth for that child will come from the infant's father, not the mother. However, if her brother has a child, his child will have his stillbirth "gene".

If the woman noticed her husband's brother (brother in law) has multiple stillbirth infants, this would be more concerning than if she noticed the same thing with her brother.


Outside_Classroom_38 t1_isvmnfe wrote

Thank you for being able to kindly explain this. I didn’t have the same patience after reading some of these comments.


xlews_ther1nx t1_isuqu9v wrote

As a husband of a wife who has had multiple miscarriages (and insurance won't cover test fir several more), I'm glad to hear this so maybe my wife will stop blaming herself all the time.


tree-potato t1_isvmm3b wrote

Sending you good thoughts. That journey is painful, and it can also be so isolating. I hope you both are well.


xlews_ther1nx t1_isvujw7 wrote

Yea. It's been 8 months since last one, but we have been trying for 4 years. Imn37 she is 33. Time is ticking.


tree-potato t1_iswddin wrote

Oof, that makes my heart hurt. I hope you two find peace soon, wherever the path takes you. Hugs.


xlews_ther1nx t1_iswsxkr wrote

Thanks. We have one son. He is going to be 7 soon. So we have him. But he really wants a sibling. The age gab would be much larger than we planned.


Outside_Classroom_38 t1_isvms4d wrote

This is truly heartbreaking and I’m glad you are a kind person. Sorry for your losses


Rocketboy1313 t1_istc4g0 wrote

What a confusingly written title.


callmepinocchio t1_istlhn6 wrote

It even claims a woman can inherit it from her brother

EDIT: that's not what it says, but it sure sounds like it on first reading.


rsc2 t1_isvnwi9 wrote

I read it three times and it still sounds like it to me.


callmepinocchio t1_isx5i22 wrote

They mean that if a woman has a genetic disposition to stillbirth, her male relatives probably carry it too.


rsc2 t1_iszdt87 wrote

I get that, but that's not what the title says.


R-T-O-B t1_ist73ok wrote

"stillbirth can be inherited" That sounds counter intuitive


BoredMamajamma t1_isv4m24 wrote

The risk for stillbirth can be inherited.

It’s saying that there is a genetic risk for stillbirth which can be inherited by the mother or father but is passed along male family members (fathers —> children).


--his_dudeness-- t1_istmpq3 wrote

Can someone please comment on the quality of the research and not the title?


twittermax t1_isx0jil wrote

Can someone please comment on the quality of the research and not other people’s comments.


thulesgold t1_isthnfc wrote

How does a risk come from an Uncle or from a cousin when they are not directly related? They may serve as indicators, but the risk doesn't "come" from them. Bad title.


Chronotaru t1_isuou9c wrote

Not entirely surprising. Although not directly relevant, the Y chromosome is littered with genetic trash. The allowable mutation range for females of any species to successfully carry out and survive the birth of healthy offspring is far more restricted than with men. Not surprised if men can be a carrier for dodgy X chromosomes too.


urkish t1_isvfqu7 wrote

> the Y chromosome is littered with genetic trash. The allowable mutation range for females of any species to successfully carry out and survive the birth of healthy offspring is far more restricted than with men.

Got any more I can read on this, first I'm hearing it?


Lok_Die t1_isvjhya wrote

It's old science. It is mostly out of date and incorrect. What is correct about it is if you take genetic trash and change the words to duplicated genes, then it would be correct.

Men carry a Y chromosome that is more or less intact from their fathers so on and so forth into history, as this particular chromosome does not recombine with the X chromosome. Which in a weird way means the Y chromosome reproduces itself A-sexually, it is more of a clone of the one boys share with their fathers. Also it seems that according to this paper the Y chromosome has been subjected to intense selection forces that have Whittled it down to the size that it currently is. In fact it is mentioned in this article that the Y chromosome has been very stable for a very long time. Although it does mention that when the Y chromosome doesn't have enough duplicates of certain genes it can result in heavy fertility issues in men.


scooterjay2013 t1_istxs5x wrote

At the risk of making light of a serious situation… If your parents didn’t have children, chances are you will not either.


slowkums t1_istitm3 wrote

If you think about it, it would be kinda hard to pass down through the mother's line...


catchallt3rm t1_isuc7os wrote

How can a receptor be associated with "more siblings"? Unless this
genetic variant was more commonplace among those from large
families/the middle class? Middle class women in England from over a
century ago were treated like broodmares - their downwardly mobile
children were continually replacing the lower classes. That's basically a
recipe for decreased genetic variability and more frequent 'variants'
like these.


Doingmybest2019 t1_isukpuk wrote

Does this mean it’s a y-linked chromosome disorder?


AutoModerator t1_ist6t72 wrote

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nochancecat t1_isw2blx wrote

Wait, so my mom had a stillborn, 3rd child. My brother never had kids, but he was at a higher link of passing this on than me? Or do I have the same risk that I got from my father? I've never had a pregnancy issue. Do my kids have a higher risk or just my son?


vicky1212123 t1_iswm73d wrote

This makes sense! My mom was stillborn so I guess it makes sense that I would be too. I wonder if my future children will be stillborn like their mama


TheFunfighter t1_iswvmqz wrote

So does this mean the male genetic contribution to the baby is at fault, or is it a problem coming from the carrying female, that is inherited from her own father? Who has the genes that are at work in the stillbirth? The father or mother of a child? Read the title and went through the article, but still can't really comprehend it. I only know the gene is passed on through men. But in who does it have to end up for things to go wrong?


Jiffyman11 t1_isxuuc7 wrote

Some guys just have bad seed.


d4dog t1_isuyayj wrote

This isn't science, this is the result of lack of science in basic education. I suspect with most ot the research was rooted in the Old Testament.


[deleted] t1_istrl25 wrote

>That risk preferentially comes from the mother’s or father’s male relatives—their brothers, fathers, grandfathers, uncles, or male cousins.

Nature clearly doesn't want women to have their brother's, father's, grandfather's, uncles, or cousin's babies.


socio-pathetic t1_istm9eh wrote

Yes, my father was stillborn and so was I. My poor son, I hope he hasn’t inherited it from me!
