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bananahammerredoux t1_it0vwwj wrote

Is anybody else getting tired of reading headline after headline about how cannabis does aaaaaall the things like it’s some magical freaking cure-all? No? Just me?


TyrionReynolds t1_it14ygj wrote

If you smoked more cannabis you wouldn’t remember seeing the previous headlines and it wouldn’t bother you so much.


Pollo_Jack t1_it1ki4w wrote

It's a compound with anti inflammatory properties. It's going to get studied because that is useful.

Thankfully, it isn't being shoveled as a cancer cure.


Dave30954 t1_it1m117 wrote

Feels a bit like pandering tbh

Unpopular take, but it has to be said


Droid2Win t1_it2gbh7 wrote

I'm with you. The pro-cannabis lobby is insane. Like it's getting as bad as all the other Big-Whatever lobbyists these days


Enorats t1_it19a4c wrote

It's annoying, but the internet seems to have been taken over by potheads these days. Anything containing the words CBD, cannabis, hemp, or the number 420 is just inexplicably fawned over.


ubermeisters t1_it38366 wrote

dude this guy said 420 yoooooooo you smoke tooooo? wicked