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Vosje11 t1_iumg7ac wrote

Can't you grab a scoop and just scoop all up acid in the tummy and let it reset?


gamma9997 t1_iumk6l9 wrote

The microbiome is so complicated, that unfortunately there is really no "resetting" it. We can try (with fecal microbiome transplants), but in reality once it gets perturbed we can only hope that it returns to something close to normal. You've spent your whole life carefully cultivating this little ecosystem in your gut, if something comes along and wipes it out you have to start over.

It does make me wonder if we should be trying to store our own microbiomes when we get annual physicals so that if something happens during the year we can "reboot" the microbiome with a relatively recent batch.


discretion t1_iuptiq0 wrote

Dang, that's a thing? I got really sick right when the pandemic started, for three weeks, before tests were available. I don't know if it was covid or not, but it was like the worst flu I've ever had, could barely keep fluid or food in me between diarrhea and vomiting. And after I got better, I had a really hard time handling foods I used to eat regularly. It really felt like my whole gut was just mollywhomped and I had to eat bread and rice for a while.