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SasakiShihairu t1_iuuj394 wrote

You're hearing alot more about micro-dosing for the benefits it has against Addiction and Depression. Certainly seems like a better alternative to some of the "remedies".


mauinion t1_iuux7ce wrote

I can attest to that. I was a heavy binge drinker for 30 years. Mostly due to anxiety and depression. I think all of those compounded the effects on each other.

2 months ago, finally went to see a professional.

Tried about 4 kinds of meds. I hated all of them. I spent the last 3 weeks getting them out of my system.

This week started a microdosing routine, 20mg 4 days a week, then 3 days off.

I feel amazing! Zero desire to drink, anxiety is gone, no time for feeling depressed because for once I am clear headed, witty, motivated, and silly again.

I'm sold. The other remedies just made me feel flattened and numb. It was making it so I didn't care that I was depressed. I had lost any charm or humor that is part of my personality naturally.

I am super grateful for finally trying microdosing mushrooms.


baklazhan t1_iuv0yfp wrote

I'm glad you found something that worked, but two months seems like a very short period of time to trial four (!) different meds.


mauinion t1_iuw4fdp wrote

Indeed it was a short amount of time. I immediately didn't like the way it made me feel, and then reading about withdrawals, side effects, and weaning off them made it clear it wasn't the path I wanted.

I was better off with alcoholism, anxiety and depression.

The more I read about the medications, the more I realized that any perceived benefits above placebo were more than likely 'by chance' and not because the meds actually were designed to have the outcomes in trials that they had.

I really wanted something more natural, non invasive, and easy to put down. I tried THC / CBD and that was a fail as well. I had done mushrooms recreationally many years ago, but never considered them as medicine. It really is a major breakthrough for treatment IMHO


baklazhan t1_iuxbmhb wrote

It's there a guide you use for dosing? What form do you consume the mushrooms in?


mauinion t1_iuxc27f wrote

There is more than enough info on /r/microdosing

I use it in capsule form from a place in Canada. It has some other medicinal mushrooms in it too, like Lions Maine, etc. 20mg of psilocybin mushrooms per capsule.


Deevo77 t1_iuv9uxp wrote

After being a heavy drinker and on various meds for anxiety and depression for decades, micro dosing has made such a difference.

No more SSRIs making me feel beige 24/7. Urge to drink is gone, still enjoy a tipple every now and then but the nightly craving for booze is history.

I find 150mg of dried shrooms (00 size capsule) every other day for a few weeks then a week off, boosted by a 3 or 4 gram "macro dose" every 6 months is fantastic.

Best of all you can grow them yourself!


PracticalShoulder916 t1_iuvsg8r wrote

I also had benefits from microdosing. Sadly, in the UK, this is a schedule 1 drug which is crazy.


Deevo77 t1_iuxksh6 wrote

Same here in Australia however the risks are outweighed by the reward and it's not like I'm distributing them, for personal use only. Strangely though, spore syringes are not illegal


PracticalShoulder916 t1_iuxmd62 wrote

Yes, spores are legal here too. I think it's because the spores don't contain psilocybin. Need to get some for research purposes..


yoda_jedi_council t1_iuvw47p wrote

My friend has had good experience so far with acid (never tried shrooms). I told him about microdosing and he's tried doing small doses every once in a while and it's been quite helpful.

What would be your advise and an example of schedules to someone who would considering microdosing as self-medication ?


mauinion t1_iuw0ops wrote

There is plenty of good advice on /r/microdosing I started with 20mg 4 days on 3 days off. The Stamets method. It worked great for me straight out of the gate.


bdyrck t1_ivgia19 wrote

You mean 200mg? And how do you take them? :)


FwibbFwibb t1_iuwq7hv wrote

> You're hearing alot more about micro-dosing for the benefits it has against Addiction and Depression.

I'm not, actually. I've read that microdosing doesn't do anything. It doesn't even make sense, since you build up a tolerance to psilocybin very quickly.


SasakiShihairu t1_iuxyiz9 wrote

"Does microdosing work? In short, the jury is still out. Some studiesindicate a very real and significant benefit from microdosing, whereasothers are much less convincing and show little to no benefit. One recent studyused a naturalistic, observational design to study 953 psilocybinmicrodosers compared with 180 nondosing participants for 30 days, andfound "small to medium-sized improvements in mood and mental health thatwere generally consistent across gender, age, and presence of mentalhealth concerns." This study and others like it appear to confirm many anecdotal reports of people who swear by the benefits they have experienced from microdosing." (Taken from There isnt a definitive answer on it due to legal bars but you can look up any number of videos or articles about it having positive benefits. As for the tolerance... you're taking a very small amount and the treatment (I think, do not hold me on this) is every 2-3 weeks? It's recommended that you space out psilocybin trips (taking a normal tripping dose 1.5-3g) to atleast once a week/ every 2 weeks for the full effect.

Can't really tell someone that something doesn't work if it works for that person.