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subzero112001 t1_ixt4z7d wrote

“These people drink alcohol, likely for a reason”

Uh, they drink alcohol for the same reason everyone else’s drinks it. Cause it’s a drug.


Globulart t1_ixu3czx wrote

But not many pregnant people drink it, and those that do will frequently have other issues which is why they are still drinking despite all the evidence showing how bad an idea it is.


subzero112001 t1_ixu4gop wrote

You’re implying that a person who knowingly chooses to do something bad for themselves or a significant other indicates some kind of mental illness.

That claim would also imply that people who smoke have mental issues.


Globulart t1_ixu4mpj wrote

No not at all, I'm implying that if you drink whilst pregnant there's likely to be a reason because it's so well known that it's a bad idea.

Might be mental illness, might be depression, might be addiction, might be a coping strategy, might be simple negligence, lots of possible reasons.