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braiam t1_iv3biwq wrote

At that distance, it's not even in the range of our system gravitational forces to affect it.


ssgrantox t1_iv3qorq wrote

The range of gravity is infinite, but the falloff means that it's effectively zero. But technically, it's not zero


TehFuckDoIKnow t1_iv3w132 wrote

But it is a zero followed by a decimal point and then a number of zeros but also a non-zero amount of gravity. At least according to the math I can’t do.


hermenaut t1_iv5ugnc wrote

I've heard gravity propagates at the speed of light.


humbird_gs t1_iw5dtjr wrote

Not quite infinite. Gravity is limited by the speed of light.


ssgrantox t1_iwc3mwu wrote

Ok how bout this? What is limit on how far light can travel in a vaccum? Thats the distance limit for gravity.


humbird_gs t1_iw5drj6 wrote

I still eagerly await tabloid headlines shrieking about the imminent danger of earth being swallowed whole by a black hole.