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rittenalready t1_ixdlf3v wrote

What we will learn is what is observable. Science can make predictions but that is not what science is for the most part. Science is observation and we will observe the 1.5 degree warming be several times the warming throughout the planet and then we will observe the consequences of our lack of action. The world will only truly know the price when we’ve paid it.


SooooooMeta t1_ixfhm4z wrote

They may not be science’s true powerhouse but statistics and modeling have come a long way. Just 30 years ago the weather forecast was a joke where it couldn’t reliably tell you whether to take her umbrella or not. Now I can plan whether to take in my plants or not five days in advance based on predicted nighttime temperatures. A lot of the models for climate change are quite accurate but what does it matter if they get it right? Nobody is paying attention to them anyway