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anders987 t1_ixezfmf wrote

The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute published a report today about observed climate change in Sweden 1860-2021. Here's the abstract in English:

> Historical Swedish observations of temperature, length of vegetation period, precipitation, snow, global radiation, and geostrophic wind have been analysed. The length of available time series varies among these variables. Whereas there are temperature observations for Uppsala ranging back to 1722 continuous measurements of global radiation at eight Swedish stations start only in 1983. Climate indicators based on these observations show that:

> * The annual mean temperature for Sweden has increased by 1.9 °C compared to the period 1861–1890. > * The amount of annual precipitation increased since 1930 from about 600 mm/year to almost 700 mm/year. > * The number of days with snow cover has reduced since 1950. > * The global radiation increased with circa 10 % since the mid-1980’s. > * The geostrophic wind has no clear change pattern since 1940.

> The listed changes are annual averages for Sweden. These are robust and statistically significant in most cases. The picture is getting more diverse when investigating smaller regions or different seasons instead of annual means. For instance, the increase of precipitation is mainly related to enhanced precipitation during autumn and winter whereas there are no obvious trends in spring and summer. Moreover, changes in extremes are generally harder to identify. For instance, despite the clear negative trend in the number of days with snow cover there is no significant trend for the maximum snow depth.