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Liesthroughisteeth t1_ixjk4dv wrote

In two different years over the past 4 we have lost enough forest in each year to cover the entire state of Connecticut. Yes we try to put them out. Because unless we have have lots of rain they will continue to burn, as they have been doing in Washington and Oregon states as well. We have all been having record setting dry periods and if left to burn they will not stop burning. These forests are not Bambi forest with clear spaces under a beautiful canopy. When these go up they go up. If we let them go we'd start to run out of trees to cut down.

Please take your one size fits all amateur degree in Forestry from Bermuda somewhere else. There's been people here who have real degrees who have spent their lives in these forests trying to come to grips with the preservation and the prevention of the devastation we are seeing and breathing for 4-5 months out of the year.