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CotyledonTomen t1_ixidmok wrote

Doesnt mean we have to create industries around sensationalizing necessary information. Science, news, politics. They dont have to be set up around deceit and manipulation of consumers needing information to make decisions about their lives. But competition around telling people what should be facts results in distortion of those facts.


I_T_Gamer t1_ixiejvb wrote

This has been the SOP of any print, or recorded news agency for at least a decade. Capitalism is great, if we could take the greed, and people out of the equation.


CotyledonTomen t1_ixirolb wrote

Thats like saying air is great, if we could take the O2 out of the equation. Capitalism has been around longer than the word and is just utilizing the greed of people, which isnt inherently bad as we all need resources, to direct and perfect resource production. We just industrialized and now think our new use is somehow special and unique.

When all the worlds resources are at our finger tips, something we shouldnt have such ready access too, we have to overcome our evolutionary desire to take everything for ourselves.


Dave10293847 t1_ixj4hjt wrote

As scarcity diminishes, so to do the positives of capitalism. It’ll be a very tough transition. Ya know, assuming we don’t all drown or go up in a mushroom cloud.


Strazdas1 t1_ixlhb6h wrote

Oh you sweet summer child. Decade? Try since 1790.


[deleted] t1_ixjl3kr wrote

We didn’t, dictator.


CotyledonTomen t1_ixjs5ff wrote

>We didn’t, dictator.

What a conversationalist/s


[deleted] t1_ixjv3q9 wrote

We didn’t create industries; you are policing other people. Authoritarian nonsense. Don’t like it, move on.


CotyledonTomen t1_ixjw3hq wrote

What a rediculous statement. People make companies. People use a companys services. People regulate companies. People make, dictate, and utilize industries. Its not magic. Its choices everybody makes as a society. If you dont like it, find a forest. Otherwise, you have neighbors you choose to live next to, so are required to adjust your life accordingly. Thats everywhere.


[deleted] t1_ixjwrj6 wrote

And, I like the presence of more science articles, and people decide for themselves.


CotyledonTomen t1_ixjxv6o wrote

That has nothing to do with what we are talking about. Nonsense like everything else youve said.