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DavinaCole t1_ivhf1s2 wrote

So stoping periods via birth control would in fact do the same thing?


thetransportedman t1_ivhi4wv wrote

Correct, similar association have been shown


Tony2Punch t1_ivhlz4f wrote

This study was targeted at genetically studying multiple risk factors.


thetransportedman t1_ivhpnny wrote

The genes mentioned are ones associated with increased child births a la fertility genes


glycophosphate t1_ivi2nbk wrote

I had my uterus removed. That got rid of the risk of both babies and endometrial cancer at the same time!


DarkHater t1_ivi6m7n wrote

Badda bing, badda boom! Like petting two dogs with one hand.


thereisafrx t1_ivic2ff wrote

Soon, procedures like this likely will be illegal to do electively, because the republican government wants to tell women what to do with their bodies (unless it's get a life-saving vaccine for the public good...).

It's the next logical step after they outlaw birth control pills (which is already being worked on).


Plane_Chance863 t1_ivktk4j wrote

Actually I've read about women complaining that their doctors refused such procedures because hey they might want to have kids one day!


Strazdas1 t1_ivj7c21 wrote

Thats only small part of the world, though. And can be changed through voting.