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DreiKatzenVater t1_ixq3jau wrote

The fatalism of the climate change movement doesn’t help people from being skeptical.

2000: the world will end in 10 years!! Repent! 2005: the world will end in 10 years!! Repent! 2010: the world will end in 10 years!! Repent! 2015: the world will end in 10 years!! Repent! 2020: the world will end in 10 years!! Repent!

Meanwhile, the rest of us are all still happily living our lives


pseudonominom t1_ixq94y9 wrote

Imagine a doctor telling you that you’ve got 6 weeks to live.

Then you live two months.

“Cancer schmancer! I knew I didn’t have a deadly, life-ending, murderous cancer.

Sorry that scientists can’t give the certainty that you’d be more comfortable with.


PelosiGalore t1_ixq4j9j wrote

It’s a religion for these imbeciles. And it’s obviously such a scam. Brandon stops oil production in the US, then begs the Saudis to produce more. A CLEAR message that it’s NOT about the evils of so called “fossil fuels.”


StrngBrew t1_ixq8xzz wrote


PelosiGalore t1_ixqjf7k wrote

Please. Reuters? Might as well be AP or Yahoo News. Two years ago, the United States was a net exporter of oil, and gas was around 2.30/gal. What’s different? I know…Xi Jing Joe and the cRATS took over. Sorry if you’ve not smart enough to think for yourself and see what’s going on.


Gozillasbday t1_ixqv7j2 wrote

You think Reuters and AP are unreliable news sources?

Ok which news sources do you recommend?


PelosiGalore t1_ixqxcfg wrote

Think? No, I KNOW they are. They’re unreliable because they heavily bias left.


Gozillasbday t1_ixqxrkv wrote

You didn't answer my question. Here I'll repeat it for you -

"Ok which news sources do you recommend?"


PeterVonwolfentazer t1_ixq9hyt wrote

US Oil companies stopped oil production on thousands and thousands of wells when Covid lockdowns sent prices negative. They’ve not reopened those wells in OH, PA, WV, OK and TX. Those wells are on their land and don’t need any new permits.

When asked several times on CNBC about increasing oil production to help out the US consumer a US oil CEO responded three different times with… “It’s our job to return capital to our investors”.

So you can believe some propaganda by the big oil industry group that gets regurgitated from entertainment outlets calling themselves “news” or you can piece the information together from oil execs and quarterly income statements and see what the real story is. It’s more about greed than politics.

By the way that big oil industry group put out a huge media blitz the day after the war in Ukraine started. How convenient, a war about oil pipes and the second some blood is being spilled and here’s this group saying , lift these restrictions on public lands and “NEW” permits so we can help you. Big oil has millions of acres of public land that they have already locked up that ISN’T being used for oil production yet. Permits and land but not being used. They also have those thousands and thousands of idle wells. Why as a taxpayer would we want to sell them more land and permits at todays depressed prices? Like I said above, it’s really all about greed, and their record profits show that.


pseudonominom t1_ixq8ijg wrote

Bro, keep trash like this to the other subs.


PelosiGalore t1_ixqjvlu wrote

Brh, the last time I checked, I am just as entitled to my opinion as you are yours. If you disagree with my opinion, you’re welcome to challenge it. Telling me to take my opinion somewhere else makes me want to tell you t kiss my a$$, Broseph Stalin!!!
