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PelosiGalore t1_ixqjf7k wrote

Please. Reuters? Might as well be AP or Yahoo News. Two years ago, the United States was a net exporter of oil, and gas was around 2.30/gal. What’s different? I know…Xi Jing Joe and the cRATS took over. Sorry if you’ve not smart enough to think for yourself and see what’s going on.


Gozillasbday t1_ixqv7j2 wrote

You think Reuters and AP are unreliable news sources?

Ok which news sources do you recommend?


PelosiGalore t1_ixqxcfg wrote

Think? No, I KNOW they are. They’re unreliable because they heavily bias left.


Gozillasbday t1_ixqxrkv wrote

You didn't answer my question. Here I'll repeat it for you -

"Ok which news sources do you recommend?"