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hochizo t1_ixtabp5 wrote

1000% anecdotal, but my dog developed seizures in the last 18 months. Despite treatment, they were increasing in frequency, to the point that she had 8 seizures in the month of August. We asked the vet about CBD, they said "it can't hurt," so we bought a vial and have been giving her 2 doses a day. She's had one seizure since she started it almost 3 months ago. To go from 8/month to 1 over 3 months is honestly remarkable.


TDP_Equinox t1_ixts98n wrote

I'm considering this for my dog as well. Has been having seizures since September, last week he had a 1.5 hour long seizure as we drove him to the nearest animal hospital.

The meds are helping, but he does have breakthroughs.