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cowlinator t1_ivs0d0t wrote

The body uses DNA/RNA as a blueprint to make enzymes. If you have a genetic mutation, your body cant make the enzyme needed to live. So they put the enzyme in a pill needle and put it in your blood. Now your body has the enzyme


frostymoose t1_ivs5f3l wrote

Enzymes are generally too large to be absorbed orally and would likely be degraded before absorption if it were possible. For some conditions, like cystic fibrosis, enzymes are supplemented orally because they are for digestion and do not need to leave the GI tract.

In this case, the drug is administered intravenously, but some large molecules can also be given intramuscularly or subcutaneously.


personAAA t1_ivspi8g wrote

DNA is the blueprint. mRNA is the working transcript.