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snellickers t1_ixsy5mt wrote

Pre-2022ish, Reddit almost as a whole refused to acknowledge structural racism against Black people. Just absolutely refused to believe it existed, exists and will continue to exist.

It’s at least a step forward that the site mostly seems to realize it’s very real now.


jtaustin64 t1_ixsypa1 wrote

You and I must have been looking at separate Reddits then.


Moont1de t1_ixtb8nj wrote

You’ve been for just three years on Reddit


Furt_III t1_ixtfuz0 wrote

Account age isn't a good indication of how long a person has been on this website.


subzero112001 t1_ixu6xfm wrote

Structural racism? Do you mean like black people needing lower scores to get into colleges compared to white people?

Pretty sure Reddit has recognized such things for some time now.


FwibbFwibb t1_iy8nvz5 wrote

> Structural racism? Do you mean like black people needing lower scores to get into colleges compared to white people?

Your comment history is very sad. It's just this thing over and over trying to rile people up.


subzero112001 t1_iycce0t wrote

Your response(or failure to actually respond to the main point) indicates you understand that what I'm saying is true, but you'd rather waste time using ad hominem attacks instead of putting forth any actually effort for a rational reply. Just because that route is easy for you to do so and walk away while feeling good about yourself. How unfortunate.


GreatAndPowerfulNixy t1_ixt4g0d wrote

Uh, no.

What people object to is redefining the term "racism" to encompass institutional racism.


Moont1de t1_ixtckf7 wrote

I agree, we shouldn’t redefine words. The meaning of racism has always been the same: systematic oppression on the basis of race


merlinsbeers t1_ixth2z3 wrote

It means believing that a certain race is inferior, and politically it means keeping people off that race from having any power or getting any benefit from government. Using the government to oppress them has always been systemic racism.


Moont1de t1_ixu5h5a wrote

“Keeping that people from having any power” is literally “using the government to opress them”


RudeHero t1_ixtlyck wrote

> The meaning of racism has always been the same: systematic oppression on the basis of race

first of all- in my opinion, it's fine that language changes over time

i do think that in the past, and for many today, people unambiguously marked a difference between individual and systemic/institutional racism

> Institutional racism, also known as systemic racism, is a form of racism that is embedded in the laws and regulations of a society or an organization. It manifests as discrimination in areas such as criminal justice, employment, housing, health care, education, and political representation.[1]

> The term institutional racism was first coined in 1967 by Stokely Carmichael and Charles V. Hamilton in Black Power: The Politics of Liberation.[2] Carmichael and Hamilton wrote in 1967 that while individual racism is often identifiable because of its overt nature, institutional racism is less perceptible because of its "less overt, far more subtle" nature. Institutional racism "originates in the operation of established and respected forces in the society, and thus receives far less public condemnation than [individual racism]".[3]

The fact that Carmichael and Hamilton explicitly drew a difference between individual and institutional racism implies that not all racism is systemic, and not all racism is individual. it implies that there can exist one without the other

logically, this is... A and B are both letters in the english alphabet, but not all english letters are B, even though A and B are very, very often seen in the same words

i'm fine with people designing or changing the overall term to imply or exclude one or the other, but to say it's always been static and unchanging is incorrect


Moont1de t1_ixu5kqi wrote

“These two guys said it so so it do be”


brilliantdoofus85 t1_ixud1an wrote

Are you suggesting Stokely Carmichael was confused about what people at the time usually meant by "racism", such that he unnecessarily invented the concept of "institutional racism" when that was what "racism" already meant?


Moont1de t1_ixujxa5 wrote

He contrasts individual racism to institutional racism. At no point does he make a case for racism being different than institutional racism