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gentlemancaller2000 t1_iw2vm47 wrote

I’m a little confused and it’s probably my ignorance, but I was thrown by this statement:

“Researchers Ashley Martin and Malia Mason assert that 90% of virtual assistants are initially programmed with a binary female gender.”

Are they saying that because Siri and Alexis sound female they’re necessarily binary? I don’t recall Siri ever telling me anything that would suggest that. How would a digital assistant be programmed so that it sounds non-binary or gender neutral?


redduif t1_iw2w2d4 wrote

It's just a stereotypical male or female voice. I don't know why they have to bring gender into that.


essendoubleop t1_iw2xii4 wrote

I'm all twisted and turned upside down with the gender discussion in the past few years, but I thought female doesn't refer to gender, but sex? It's kind of silly how confused I am now about a very simple thing.


DarkTreader t1_iw38rzq wrote

It refers to both. You could be assigned female at birth by identify as male. You could be assigned male at birth but identify as nonbinary.

Your sex refers to what you were assigned at birth and what sex organs you have. Gender applies to what you identify.


wiga_nut t1_iw76jy3 wrote

>How would a digital assistant be programmed so that it sounds non-binary or gender neutral?

Probably something like this


mienaikoe t1_iw31pik wrote

Probably the gender of the original voice actors
