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utterscrub t1_ixueunv wrote

Archeologists of the future will know us as the plastic people


Chukwuuzi t1_ixuxif1 wrote

If we dont go extinct


[deleted] t1_ixv5800 wrote

Who said they're human archaeologists?

It'd make an amazing discovery for them, though. A layer of freeze-thaw in the Antarctic ice sheet, contaminated with synthetic chemicals. It'd be utterly baffling, and after a few tens of thousands of years, our only legacy.


Metlman13 t1_ixvjd7p wrote

eh, we'd have satellites in geosynchronous orbit remaining there for many thousands to even millions of years still intact, you could even be able to spot them in the night sky. Thats actually one way you'd be able to know Earth previously had an advanced civilization: those satellites would appear as bright spots in the sky, but unlike all the other stars and planets, they would never move from their position.


[deleted] t1_ixvl5i2 wrote

Or, going by history, they'd just be explained away by religion. Given that all the easy-to-reach, high power density fuel sources have been depleted, it's not unreasonable to think the next civilisation may be stuck in the preindustrial era.

Also, geosynchronous orbits are only stable on short-ish time scales (tens to hundreds of years). When talking about tens of thousands or millions of years, you've got the perturbing forces of the Moon, the Sun, and the ellipsoid shape of the Earth all adding up. I'd be surprised if any of them are still up there by then.


CorruptCashew t1_ixvzl5z wrote

Our only legacy?

They's find gigantic dams, enormous mines, extreme concentration of materials etc. Some plastivmc would be a curiositt.


Old_comfy_shoes t1_ixvpvdm wrote

I don't think we will go extinct. But we will probably reduce in population by orders of magnitude.


TK-741 t1_ixx55g1 wrote

Hard to say, but yes, it’s very likely that it’s just a widespread collapse of civilization and severe reduction in quality of like equivalent to that of the Dark Ages for many, many generations.


RandomGuy1838 t1_ixvl1zr wrote

We will, but as baseline humans. No one (or collection of thoughts roaming the collective consciousness) will in their right mind wholly instantiate into a cancer prone fleshy golem which doesn't even have a sig.03 grade brain.


squidsquidsquid t1_ixv6s4j wrote

Always think about Octavia Butler's "Adulthood Rites" when I read these stories.


ASolarPunk t1_ixw6uj1 wrote

Xenogenesis is such a great series. I liked that the the Ooankali immediately recognized it as poison, and wondered why we used it for everything. I also liked some of the humans saying we knew using plastic was bad, and some saying we didn’t.


bagofodour t1_ixwcx11 wrote

Bold of you to assume there is that far of a future.


utterscrub t1_ixwdcf0 wrote

This is hundreds of thousands of years in the future when, I assume, the jellyfish people will have gained sentience.


EscapeVelocity83 t1_ixwxroj wrote

I'm about to live twice as long as most people who existed before 1700