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TK-741 t1_ixx61s3 wrote

You’re not completely wrong but there’s no way to achieve it… so ultimately it isn’t really what we need. Our society would come crashing down around us.

What we need now is a million different initiatives that we can apply in a piece-wise manner to collectively mitigate the effects of what is coming, while also minimizing our ongoing environmental impact as much as possible as we transition to more sustainable technologies and practices. No single solution will work across different places and communities, and not everyone will work together for the sake of the group, so we need to work around those complexities with adaptable solutions.

It’s an impossible problem to solve that we’re running out of time on, and while your perspective isn’t technically wrong, it’s far from constructive.


blueheartsadness t1_ixxera6 wrote

There IS a way to achieve it, and society will not come crashing down. We don't have to ban all plastics at the same time. We can do it one step at a time, over a period of time. Then replace it all with alternatives. Bioplastics, which are completely biodegradable and function just like real plastic, can be used instead. We don't need fossil fuels anymore. It can all be replaced by alternatives.
