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FiestaBeans t1_iya4jyk wrote

  1. They certainly do cite the reason they consider it bad:

Gunn JK, Rosales CB, Center KE, Nuñez A, Gibson SJ, Christ C, Ehiri JE. Prenatal exposure to cannabis and maternal and child health outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open. 2016 Apr 1;6:e009986. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009986. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®], [Google Scholar]

  1. Studying the impacts of public policy on public health outcomes and establishing causal relationships is not "pointless."

What can be a low-risk fun activity for a grown, 100+ pound adult may very well have serious, lifelong consequences for a tiny pre-human the size of a thumb. It's too bad that people approach weed as some kind of black and white moral imperative instead of a calculated risk.