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klosnj11 t1_iy86zcx wrote

Agreed. The replacement of genuine human interaction with cold digital replacements is absolutely bleak. We now live on a world with eight billion humans; more mass in human than mass in all other animals combined. Yet we can not find people to spend time with?

People seem to find in person interaction more and more difficult. Is it because of our reliance on these media surrogates? Will our willingness to look another human in the eyes, to feel anothers embrace, to laugh and dine with another with ease, will these all be things of the past at some point?


cultureicon t1_iy8bmgz wrote

I was wondering about the human mass thing- it looks like humans are a fraction of the mass of all other animals.


klosnj11 t1_iy8bzvv wrote

Hmm...must have read that wrong somewhere. Let me see if I can dig up my source and find where I misunderstood.


whittily t1_iyaxx8y wrote

It’s humans + domesticated animals > the rest


CALsHero09 t1_iy8c9pm wrote

>Will our willingness to look another human in the eyes, to feel anothers embrace, to laugh and dine with another with ease, will these all be things of the past at some point?

I dont believe so. Things like podcasts are only one facet that is being addressed. There is no interaction. No physical connection. Nothing but a screen to look at and a speaker to listen to. I think eventually, people who are heavily into this type of thing, will eventually look past the podcast or whatever it is and decide they want social interactions just like these podcast people had since they seem to be enjoying it. Or start a podcast of their own and that in itself is a form of human interaction.