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MpVpRb t1_iwii5za wrote

>Also, most municipalities get their water from reservoirs

that are full of living things that poop, die and decay


gunplumber700 t1_iwiw1ek wrote

Not the same as literal concentrated human shitwater. Go take a look at some raw wastewater and some raw reservoir/ well water.

I also left out wells. Reservoirs and wells.


Lake_ t1_iwk5yjh wrote

it’s treated first idiot. in a very effective multistage process. biological material is actually the easiest part to clean. it’s the chemicals from industrial waste that should be more concerning. the water from a wwtp is clear and free of microorganisms and is already treated by law where you have to treat the raw water from reservoirs for it to be drinkable.


intensiveduality t1_iwkcb2b wrote

Is a discussion over water really worth insulting strangers for absolutely no reason? Be better


gunplumber700 t1_iwl4zri wrote

Well moron, there’s a thing called grammar. Feel free to use it.

Go look at colliform samples from the average wwtp.

Wwtp effluent is NOT treated to drinking water standards. Every heard of crypto (not the currency)? Enlighten me on how a wwtp without a tertiary process treats their effluent for that to need drinking water standards?