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Percyheckendorf t1_iwj8j3y wrote

Well Vegas is already world class in water reuse. Basically only Israel beats them. we will certainly go to water reuse before we repair/replace LA’s entire pipe system. That is crazy difficult and expensive and an ordinary problem for most networks (though probably worse in la due to the seismic activity) Meanwhile there are already wastewater plants producing drinking quality effluent. It’s clear cut the cheaper solution short term


gunplumber700 t1_iwjcxy6 wrote

So the “it’s cheaper” excuse only works as a short term solution.

Look at all the municipalities with constant main breaks because they think “it was made better” back in the day.

I’m not saying replace the entire system overnight but it needs to be replaced as it ages, which include metering equipment that under report, meaning you’ll underbill someone as they age as well.

Still not saying there aren’t places that do it, just that it’s unnecessary given the alternatives that have to be addressed anyway.

It kind of avoids the fact that many plants don’t have the ability to just turn up chemical dosing and call it good.


Percyheckendorf t1_iwjgzh9 wrote

They will eventually, when they are done they will start again, because pipes will always leak. its only a max 7% increase, which is not enough

Yes the plants will need to be retrofitted with more advanced processes.