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Dreidhen t1_iwgufcs wrote

>When they extracted and dried out the skin, they found it is flexible, a good insulator, can withstand temperatures of more than 200°C (390°F) and has a thickness similar to that of a sheet of paper – good properties for a circuit’s substrate.

Mushrooms are amazing


GTdspDude t1_iwiozwa wrote

So… not a computer chip. A substrate is the base material of a PCBA (typically FR4 with copper layers), a computer chip is silicon.


SnavlerAce t1_iwjcnru wrote

Flipchip applications come to mind. Source: 30 years of IC layout.


GTdspDude t1_iwje0jb wrote

You mean SOC or something with an interposer? Cuz wouldn’t flip chip be bare silicon down to PCBA?


Sanquinity t1_iwh54hc wrote

So biological computers. The future that sci-fi predicted, here we come!


cvntis4 t1_iwh7rk2 wrote

i don't think this quite fits a 'biological computer,' in that case the circuit would be designed to work synchronously with the nervous system of the mushroom, not just fitted on top of nonliving skin


srentiln t1_iwha75c wrote

Combine it with the neural tissue grown on a circuit board, and boptronics starts sounding more likely than ever.


More_Butterfly6108 t1_iwhggh2 wrote

If we can grow and ear in the lab we can grow. Circuit board


NightChime t1_iwhsyn2 wrote

Even if it winds up being 10 years behind in terms of performance, if it's cheap enough it could be a market changer.


acebandaged t1_iwhxn4t wrote

Nervous system of the mushroom?


cvntis4 t1_iwkqmar wrote

yeah idk i'm not a mycologist. i just assumed they had one i.e. some specific system to send signals across themselves with electric impulses


acebandaged t1_iwoelen wrote

Mushrooms use something similar for communication between fruiting bodies, specifically sending electrical signals over distances using mycelial threads called hyphae. Within the fruiting bodies (what people think of as mushrooms), I believe it's mostly chemical signaling. Plants also generally use chemical signals, via releasing VOCs, secreting chemicals into the soil, or by sending them through the same channels used for water and nutrients.


Trosque97 t1_iwgyucl wrote

Reminds me of that one species in All Tomorrow's that breeds biotechnology


reddiots-lmao t1_iwhcl88 wrote

And a snack in a pinch! Mushroom wafers, anyone?


buzzjimsky t1_iwh11dv wrote

Humans are more closely related to mushrooms and other fungus than they are to trees and plants... humans and fungi breath oxygen and expel co2.. trees and other plants do the opposite

We in the same family


Overhomeoverjordan t1_iwh26ef wrote

We're not even in the same kingdom.


buzzjimsky t1_iwh5hwg wrote

I read somewhere that our lineage converge if you follow the trail back through evolution

More so than plants .. is that incorrect?


Overhomeoverjordan t1_iwh60r4 wrote

No that's correct fungi are more closely related to animila than Plantae but the same family as humans would be orangutans, chimpanzees, and gorillas.


buzzjimsky t1_iwh6wck wrote

Ah i see... Yeh I understand what you mean now.. as in scientific classifications. Quite right my learned friend


911derbread t1_iwhshz4 wrote

Hey, it appears you don't quite understand how plants function. Plants indeed reduce oxygen to H2O to make ATP, the energy chemical all living things must produce. They do it with the same enzyme, ATP synthase, that every living organism on earth possesses. They do this by oxidizing carbohydrates into CO2 through the same reactios we do.

What plants are also able to do is harvest the energy in sunlight to turn CO2 and water back into carbohydrates. Because most of their structure is made of carbohydrates and carbohydrate compounds, they must do a lot of this, so they net consume CO2 and produce O2.


ubermeisters t1_iwhy17l wrote

> The base of computer chips and batteries tends to be made from unrecyclable plastic, but using skin from a certain species of mushroom instead would reduce electronic waste so, what batteries use plastic as a main material? none that I'm aware of, they are all metal bodied, or plastic shell around metal body in more rare cases like cameras etc.


Smodphan t1_iwiwh9y wrote

Maybe they're referring to laptop batteries but it was not specific


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Freshcut100 t1_iwimg22 wrote

Computer Science has reached the point where we are Wizards harnessing lightning by channeling it through rocks, precious metals, and mushrooms in order to solve the questions of the universe and communicate with others through vast distances. My new name will be Redbeard the Jolly and you will respect my lightning magic!


diox8tony t1_iwiw4y3 wrote

But why fix the recycling of computer chips? Those are only 1-2% of the electronics.....need to recycle circuit boards, or connectors