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blacklegiondisciple t1_iwpcxae wrote

If you're concern is first about safety, I'd advise avoiding things that could be quite life changing. A common side effect of mind altering substance is finding you don't like the life you're living.


DieWalze t1_iwpja31 wrote

I'd like to think that most people that have this experience were unhappy with their life in the first place. They just weren't honest with themselves before.


Skatterbrayne t1_iwpn68a wrote

Anecdote: I'm largely happy with how my life is going and consider myself to be a good person. I have absolutely zero life-altering revelations on LSD, it just makes me jittery and happy.


iDuddits_ t1_iwpvqjn wrote

yeah exactly. I like to think I'm an aware and introspective person when sober. So heavy doses of psychedelics haven't lead to bad trips
Worst thing is getting high and realizing you don't actually like a few friends haha


dudeWithKeys t1_iwro7qn wrote

Yep, that's LSD for ya, but have you tried shrooms? Now that's something that always puts the pedal to the metal for me when it comes to personal revelations.


AppropriateScience71 t1_iwtm7bb wrote

We’re you looking for life-altering revelations or to just enjoy the trip with friends?

I’m generally pretty content with life, but, while maybe not truly life altering, I’ve had a number of fairly profound revelations (which is quite difficult to explain to folks that haven’t had similar experiences). Not so much if done in a group, but I quite like leaving my group for 20 or so minutes to just let my mind wander then come back to recenter.


gp2b5go59c t1_iwr4xkx wrote

> They just weren't honest with themselves before.

It should still be their responsibility to find this out, not a side effect of a drug.


Airborne82D t1_iwq0u9w wrote

I can relate. The first time I did psilocybin I saw myself as I truly was. It shattered my ego that for so long had me convinced I was a great person. I was left afterward with having to pick up the pieces and try to put them back together.

Some people could very well discover things about themsleves they do not like. Some would argue that's a beneficial aspect but I could very easily see it causing one to descend in to madness.


Sync1989 t1_iwps6cl wrote

Thats right, keep being a sheep
