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Ok-Lobster-919 t1_ixvttwq wrote

"The vaping patients were not asked whether they used devices that contained nicotine or THC, although nicotine is more common."

This is a bad study if they failed to control for THC vapes and nicotine e-cigarettes separately.

It is common knowledge that THC causes dry mouth, which increases the rate of tooth decay.


EpsomHorse t1_ixw1eo5 wrote

Indeed. This study is fatally flawed.

I kind of wish posting alleged discoveries was banned, and only replications could be submitted. Because most things posted here as new discoveries will not pan out in the end.


tornpentacle t1_ixxwh38 wrote

Given that about 6x more people use nicotine vaporizer products than THC products, and given the huge increase among the vaping group, it's pretty fair to say the results probably apply to the nicotine users. (Vaping e-juice containing propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin is also well-known to cause dry mouth, by the way.)

The study used data that existed prior to the start of the study. That doesn't make this a bad study, it just means the data is not comprehensive.

People like you use this sort of thing to try to make the researchers out as being incompetent, but that's far from fair. This is how science works. Patterns are noticed, then further investigation is done. This is not a bad study. It's valuable information and provides valuable insights. Further study inspired by this research will elucidate what we don't know.


Ok-Lobster-919 t1_ixxy57u wrote

It was easy for them to ask about marijuana use, and they could have excluded them from the study. There are better studies that do take this into account like this one:

This systematic review of studies highlights the problem

Conclusions: This review provides an update to the 2018 NASEM report on chronic health effects of e-cigarette use. While the number of studies has grown, the certainty of evidence remains very low largely because of cross-sectional designs and lack of reporting on exclusive e-cigarette exposure. There remains a need for higher quality intervention and prospective studies to assess causality, with a focus on exclusive e-cigarette use.


mime454 t1_iy9czur wrote

Both questions seem important. I keep waiting for solid research into the safety of vaping as a route of administration and separately the effects of the chemicals being vaporized and inhaled.