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Agile-Cancel-4709 t1_iwreq27 wrote

Don’t most domesticated birds do this too?


LaBeteNoire t1_iwrgpc5 wrote

I was about to say that most any bird into the parrot/parakeet family all love jamming out to music.


contactlite t1_iws35wr wrote



FjorgVanDerPlorg t1_iwsacvo wrote

Yeah mine will bop her head for a variety of reasons, it can mean anything from "I like this grape you just gave me" to bopping with if any of us bop in front of her. She also does it to music as well sometimes, but not always. We've taken to believing it's her sign of approval.


TungstenChef t1_iwsaevz wrote

We have some bopping birds over at r/DoYouRemembirb too


Surgical_Precisizmn t1_iwrxc5o wrote

Parrot owner here!

Most, no. Some, absolutely.

Most just ignore music, at least in terms of their body motion. Some will bob to it, but just senseless bobbing totally out of sync with the actual beat; others definitely rock out to the rhythm, and whip out better dance moves than most humans are capable of.

Birds vary a ton from one individual to another, even within the same species.


nickstatus t1_iws1iup wrote

Cockatoos in particular get enthusiastic about music


Feed_Your_Dogs_Raw t1_iwuuutw wrote

Let’s see that parrot hold down a job and support 3 kids and then see if he still feels like dancing.


boomerxl t1_iwvr7vm wrote

Cockatoos are great.

They’re either passively disinterested in the world or on it like a one-bird methed up biker gang.


Agile-Cancel-4709 t1_iwrxrlr wrote

That’s a good point…. I know plenty of humans who can’t hold a beat!


CapnCrackerz t1_iwrz477 wrote

You could write this exact same thing about people.


mfb- t1_iwu2efl wrote

"It's not unique to humans" is the point of this thread.


Sanquinity t1_iwsi6br wrote

Made me think the people behind this "study" didn't do any actual research into the subject beforehand. Like, it's a well known thing that many domesticated birds not only jam to music, but have individual music preferences.


Adventurous-Text-680 t1_iwso3y1 wrote

To be fair they qualify the statement:

> “Rats displayed innate — that is, without any training or prior exposure to music — beat synchronization most distinctly within 120-140 bpm (beats per minute), to which humans also exhibit the clearest beat synchronization,”

I imagine they did research but didn't find much in the way of actual studies. I tried a search, and didn't really find anything. The one about birds was based on a single bird named "snowball" and the study was done after seeing videos of the bird on YouTube.

The thing is this is a bird that was "corrupted" in the sense of could have been trained and the studies used songs that the bird was already familiar with. So it's a bit different than this study where the rats were not previously exposed to music or trained.


QuincyAzrael t1_iwu3t4q wrote

It may be a "well known thing" but unless it has been formally studied you can't cite it as research.


CarlPeligro t1_iwum3a6 wrote

I see this all the time on Reddit, so I'm not necessarily singling you out, but how arrogant do we have to be to assume that we randos of Reddit know a given subject matter better than people who have spent their entire adult lives researching it?

>Made me think the people behind this "study" didn't do any actual research into the subject beforehand

Like, your assertion is that these people invested a few years of their lives arranging this study, spent many more years in their field preparing for a study like it -- but didn't bother to google the subject! It's a silly thing to believe and it's not at all how these sorts of studies work. If they didn't mention the information you were expecting, it's likely because a) at the end of the day they didn't consider it relevant b) they did mention it but you didn't actually read the study c) they referenced it indirectly but you're not familiar enough with the subject to know the technical terms they used to do so.

In reading these sorts of things I, as a non-scientist, tend to give scientists the benefit of the doubt at least this far: these people almost certainly know the subject matter better than I do, and they're almost certainly not lazy. This does not commit me to believing in their findings or to accepting those findings in an uncritical way, but it spares me from the hubris of reading something I don't like or understand and concluding that "these idiots don't know what they're talking about; couldn't they be bothered to perform a ten-second google search -- "


Sanquinity t1_iwumjk5 wrote

I guess you could call me jaded, as this subreddit gets tons of "studies" that, when I looked into them, had poor methods or clear bias towards their conclusions. Though I will admit I didn't look into this particular study. Just very quickly skimmed the article.


Cool_Dream3162 t1_iwvni6z wrote

I see this all the time on reddit. Ppl just believe anything they see because it was called a "study" also this is the internet, there are billions who use it, you don't know what knowledge someone else has on the other side of that comment.


[deleted] t1_iwrgpl4 wrote



Agile-Cancel-4709 t1_iwrxows wrote

I swear my cockatiel would dance to the beat!


Vickrin t1_iwrzr6r wrote

I'll gladly believe you if you can find me a video of a bird dancing in time to the beat.

I've yet to see it.


marketrent OP t1_iwr9vu5 wrote


>While animals also react to hearing noise, or might make rhythmic sounds, or be trained to respond to music, this isn’t the same as the complex neural and motor processes that work together to enable us to naturally recognize the beat in a song, respond to it or even predict it. This is referred to as beat synchronicity.

>Only relatively recently, research studies (and home videos) have shown that some animals seem to share our urge to move to the groove.

>A new paper by a team at the University of Tokyo provides evidence that rats are one of them.

>“Rats displayed innate — that is, without any training or prior exposure to music — beat synchronization most distinctly within 120-140 bpm (beats per minute), to which humans also exhibit the clearest beat synchronization,” explained Associate Professor Hirokazu Takahashi from the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology.

>“The auditory cortex, the region of our brain that processes sound, was also tuned to 120-140 bpm, which we were able to explain using our mathematical model of brain adaptation.”

>Although the main study focused on responses to K. 448 by Mozart, four other musical pieces were also played to the human and animal participants: Born This Way by Lady Gaga, Another One Bites the Dust by Queen, Beat It by Michael Jackson and Sugar by Maroon 5.

Science Advances, DOI 10.1126/sciadv.abo7019


Ketzeph t1_iwsy4ms wrote

Mozart sonata for two pianos - great piece. I’d bop to that were I a rat.

I wonder what recording they used - I suppose it had to be one focused on 120bpm. I guess that makes it mvmt 3 not the first


FUNNY_NAME_ALL_CAPS t1_iwrg1zq wrote

I wonder if this can be used for cognitive assessment, it would be interesting to see if it's disrupted in depression or neurodegenerative disease models.


[deleted] t1_iwrg370 wrote



[deleted] t1_iwrgse1 wrote



squishy_sprite t1_iwskqcq wrote

TIL what bop means. I thought it was "bobbing" to a song and that the song is a "bop"...never heard "bop" in this form until now unless I've just been mishearing people my whole life


TheRealSugarbat t1_iwsyg6e wrote

This is the kind of science I signed up for!


Invalid_Ninja t1_iwspse5 wrote

Before smart phones were ubiquitous I saw a daddy-long-leg spider bopping to hip hop


magicmurph t1_iwtqk25 wrote

Unique to humans? We've been dancing with birds for centuries.


n3w4cc01_1nt t1_iwsd59x wrote

a few animals get like this. dogs also react to music.


zenfalc t1_iwssrit wrote

Again, some. A large number howl in an effort to join in singing though. My one cat definitely likes orchestra with a beat, but she doesn't move to it. She'll happily go to whatever room it's play in, whether I'm in there or not

She doesn't seem to like rock, however


RebelWithoutAClue t1_iwtv97j wrote

I used to beatbox at orb weavers (very nice webs) to watch them throw their forelegs up when they felt vibrations in their web.


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healthychad t1_iwsrnt3 wrote

Bopping is a scientific term eh


RedditAstroturfed t1_iwupwmy wrote

Quick somebody study umbrella cockatoos reactions to music! They also dance to music.


productionguy t1_iwsyr2s wrote

Im surprised they didn’t try that song by Haddaway?


Forged_Originals t1_iwsr6ym wrote

Any one who’s ever played a timing puzzle in a video game knows this is a basic trait.
