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carlitospig t1_ixrpxeg wrote

Think of that feeling + your eyes are just a TV screen + you can’t feel your body.



Anticode t1_ixsxzkm wrote

> your eyes are just a TV screen

Does anyone else feel like this more or less constantly? In the past I've somewhat jokingly described myself as "permanently disassociated" due to the persistent sensation that I'm a mind in a meatsuit. It's not a "weird feeling", it's more like an unshakeable fact of the matter, even intrinsic - and in a very real sense, that is the case (for everyone).

But... There's no sensation of discomfort or dysphoria. I don't feel like there's anything wrong with feeling this way, nor do I have difficulties functioning or interacting with other people. In fact, I'm often told that I'm quite charming and grounded.

The way I've described it in the past is that my conscious 'manual override' switch is stuck pressed down, with absolute awareness of myself and my body being a constant. I am always looking out from behind my eyes and what the body/brain does subconsciously implicitly feels like somebody else's decision.

That is generally known as the neurological reality, with the consciousness (us) merely "taking credit" for everything else that happens, even when we had nothing to do with it or are rationalizing a decision after "we" have made it. Experiments reinforce this truth but it's something I've always felt to be true, even when nobody else wholly shared my experiences.

Does this resonate with anybody?


AThilgers t1_ixt8brv wrote

100% resonates with me.

I had some sort of alcohol induced psychosis I believe, and a lot of what you’re saying is what I experienced. And that was almost 10 years ago. I still have lingering effects from that.


cthuluwamp t1_ixt6smr wrote

I'm just a little guy in my head really. That's where "I" reside. The meat puppet is just what I use to interact with the illusion around me. Sometimes you can "fall back" all the way inside. try not to fall too far, because time doesn't exist there and you'll wake up much older when you choose to revisit the illusion.

I'm not spiritual by any means, but I think yoda said it best "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter."


Ngur0032 t1_ixto49t wrote

> I am always looking out from behind my eyes and what the body/brain does subconsciously implicitly feels like somebody else's decision.

this accurately describes the feeling for me so well, it’s scary

i’ve only recently noticed this after going through depression for like a year due to triggering my repressed traumatic memories

it’s like i’m inside a vessel (body) and i feel like i’m just watching myself do things

so weird! i don’t know if this has always been going on and i’ve just only noticed recently

wish i could explore this future myself


deliriousgoomba t1_ixtbehx wrote

I often feel like I've been cursed with a physical form. I just don't feel like a person anymore.