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blade944 t1_iwwqvki wrote

Very true. They found that galaxies didn't behave as they should based on current understanding of physics. So instead of looking at a possible broken model they imagined dark matter and energy to explain it all. So they've been desperately looking for any evidence whatsoever to support the idea but have found none. Yet they still cling to their models and ostricize any and all that question general and special relativity.


rydan t1_iwwteio wrote

I was told in college not to mention MOND or tell anyone that our professor mentioned it.


WrongAspects t1_iwx2yqv wrote

MOND was created to explain the spin rate of galaxies. It fails to explain all other observed effects of dark matter and has been by and large put in a shelf as an incomplete and possibly foolish theory.


gibfeetplease t1_ix0rib9 wrote

Hahaha what? MOND (which is what you’re describing) was heavily looked into, it’s just that it doesn’t seem to work well.

Physicists aren’t some dark cabal trying to cling to theories of the past, everyone wants to find something new. Taking a human view of things, if MOND was a good approach people wouldn’t jump on it, the chance of blowing apart GR and writing your name in history?