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AngelKitty47 t1_ix068ny wrote

yes its done all the time


Awkward_and_Itchy t1_ix06d3s wrote

It makes sense i suppose. We can learn lots from data but it does have blind spots like not controlling for socio-economic backgrounds.


PriorTable8265 t1_ix06js1 wrote

It's easier to get funding for a new study if you have existing data to back up your assumption.


apartsell95 t1_ix14i9s wrote

It also allows for further studies to be made with the sole purpose of including those blind spots that were found in the previous ones, it's like adding Lego blocks together one by one without realizing you're actually building the Millennium Falcon.


CircularRobert t1_ix2hr3d wrote

Or like you knew you want to build the millennium falcon, but your wife won't greenlight the big purchase, so you built a mini version, then a little diorama, then start to kitbash one together, until she sees you're actually serious about it, and then she approves the funding for the thing you actually wanted.


standard_candles t1_ix2fb02 wrote

Also you don't need/or need a new approval to do human subject research


routerg0d t1_ix0ygn0 wrote

They troll through data all the time to find trends. Some alternative medicine treatments come from such data hunts. If they find that people taking X but also have Y and it causes Y to be less of an issue even though X was for another condition the medicine is clearly impacting Y as well. So then a proper study on the medicine is done against Y.