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txipper t1_ixe20tl wrote

There's way too many wolfs in sheep clothing in human societies for there ever to be trust amongst themselves in the sharing of power for the greater good of all.


ThrowbackPie t1_ixff7d5 wrote

Dunno, I think power sharing might be better than following a single psychopath.


txipper t1_ixgb1ti wrote

Wolves in sheep clothing is an analogy of human nature. What would/could be best is not a choice we can make given what we are.


NotThatMadisonPaige t1_ixfk0ua wrote

I think it’s possible but we need to scale down significantly. Humans are capable of this. We’ve done it in the distant past (and still in some places today). Building trust amongst a smallish group (say 15-25 people) would (and could) change everything.


txipper t1_ixgbfuu wrote

Yes, but for that to work, considering that we now have 8 billion people, we’re going to need a bigger boat.