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CompromisedCEO t1_iy8y8ik wrote

Air pollution is bad. It kills millions and this has been known for decades yet here we are 50 years later and still the status quo has not changed.


Gallionella t1_iyaazsu wrote

Pro-Fossil fuel government did that .
People voting for pro fossil fuel government did that and the one that didn't vote that would have voted against pollution as well. You are what you do and you get what you now lets go back to sleep some rich folks need to get richer. Moooo


Itchy-Race6269 t1_iyc6afm wrote

Get involved in local politics. This is the most important step we can do.


ThrowAway640KB t1_iyb6qk2 wrote

> this has been known for decades yet here we are 50 years later and still the status quo has not changed.

Sounds like the future of climate change.

Humanity sucks.


PacmanIncarnate t1_iybm3vh wrote

Progress has been made, however it has not been made consistently across the globe. As populations increase in developing countries, they end up polluting significantly more and haven’t created the stringent rules developed countries have and likely won’t for a long time, as rules slow economic growth, which they desperately need.