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ButterflyCatastrophe t1_ix43151 wrote

Eh. They chilled everyone until they started shivering, then warmed them until they stopped. Temps are going to depend on individual body shape, fat distribution, and who knows what else. I can see an argument where the average wouldn't be particularly informative, and might be easily misinterpreted as a special bathing temperature that triggers TG release. It'd be nice to know; it'd be nice to have core temperature records; but there's always improvements to offer after the fact.

"Not high quality" is undeserved.


FailOsprey t1_ix46lzy wrote

What your saying makes sense. From an ethical standpoint, shivering seems like a safe gauge of when to heat up the water. It takes away the ability to control the water temperature, which is bad, but it reduces the likelihood of lawsuits and harm.