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Kulthos_X t1_iyjtz1o wrote

This should have been published in the “Journal wasted time and money.”


spydersens t1_iykg8a0 wrote

Anyone else wondering why not just create it here if it's going to be in a bubble? It's a lot more accessible than on per say another world. Stop funding these pipe dreams. Meanwhile we have everything here and we are throwing resources at this or wondering if a asteroid is going to hit earth, etc. Try evaluate everything that can and will go wrong on your make believe terrafirm project. People can't engineer a bridge without there being plenty of oversights . Get real please.


New_Parsley6211 t1_iykre1w wrote

Scientific equivalent of “what if you had a million dollars?”


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Mrsheeples1992 t1_iyjwerv wrote

They've already got something like that here on Earth, it's called Antarctica, and it's for the Aliens to visit Earth. They are plenty safe here already.


Alarmed-Accident-716 t1_iyki9cp wrote

I don’t get why it is so hard for world leaders to just suggest at the fact that we need to have less people on the planet vs dumb stuff like this even being an idea. No one needs to live in Montana turn that into a nature preserve. Hopefully all the micro plastic sperm destroyer articles help make this not happen.


trucorsair t1_iyjfqw9 wrote

An extraterrestrial nature preserve? Uh, sort of like when colonizers come to a new land and the natives are rounded up and deported to “reservations” to make room for the new owners? Or are these places to concentrate the locals as in “concentration camps”? Both ideas worked out so well before, who says history doesn’t repeat itself…

Point is people seem to not want to accept that essentially this will be colonization 3.0 and saying day 1 we need to set aside areas for native species is uncomfortably close to reality repeating history


TheArcticFox444 t1_iykbr7a wrote

>Point is people seem to not want to accept that essentially this will be colonization 3.0 and saying day 1 we need to set aside areas for native species is uncomfortably close to reality repeating history

We aren't there yet.


trucorsair t1_iykkice wrote

But yet people are already saying we should do that….


TheArcticFox444 t1_iyl0kmd wrote

>But yet people are already saying we should do that….

Some are saying that. Dreams...sometimes looking ahead distracts us from looking at other things. Humans are the only species known to self-deceive via a mental process. Self-deception happens in many forms. Dreaming is one way.