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Smooth_Imagination t1_iyk093y wrote

Science seems to be increasingly captured by Big Money or political ideology (which may come via possibly financial interests as well, although it is hard to trace the interests behind those that organise the grants, theres capture of many publishing platforms or indirectly through the institutions in which they work.)

It harms honest science and its standing in the public eye through no fault of the good scientists working in the public interest and to proven scientific methodology.


Meatrition OP t1_iyk2r1p wrote

I don't know if I'd say it's increasingly captured, it's more increasingly discovered to be captured. We've had a hundred years of this abuse already, just starting to come to light.


TransposingJons t1_iykotiv wrote

"CAMEL....The Cigarette 9 Out of 10 Doctors Choose!"


JabberJawocky t1_iymlqjh wrote

You an thank Sigmund Freuds nephew for that type of advertising.


Smooth_Imagination t1_iyk492o wrote

I think there was more publically funded science in the past though. I assume more of the fraction of scientists work in private organisations.


Snuggoth t1_iyl345d wrote

Sure, but that's just the problem. It's not been the case for a lot longer than you'd think. Networking works in more ways than just career building.


cannondave t1_iylh0j9 wrote

Big money are even bigger now, relatively and absolutely, than x decades ago. If you have a revenue of $100 million it might be profitable to influnce some politics, but if you have $22 bn like some large companies such as Pfizer, it's profitable to even gain 5% positive sentiment for a single new product, even if you have to pay $10 m to influence social media such as Reddit, Twitter, and another $100 m to lobby FDA and it's counterparts, especially EU and FDA. It would be profitable for sure, to some extent. If they do it, who knows. Maybe they are ethical and allows us to discuss freely and openly about their products pros and cons, without intercepting. Would you? If you had a button to press, generate $1 bn by influencing social media? If you wouldn't, and you worked at marketing at a large corporation, do you think you would be replaced by someone who would? Interesting thoughts.


hopelesscaribou t1_iylh9k4 wrote

Coca Cola Net Worth is $282 Billion in 2022.


aBoyandHisVacuum t1_iyo3pg4 wrote

Whaaaaaatttt!!!! Drinks coke. Jk thats unreal. Thats ATT money.


hopelesscaribou t1_iyo4394 wrote

Pshht! AT&T is chump change compared to Coke.

As of 2022, AT&T was ranked 13th on the Fortune 500 rankings of the largest United States corporations, with revenues of $168.8 billion.


aBoyandHisVacuum t1_iyo4c6e wrote

Damn your quick! Does that include all its subsidaries? I know it broke up a few times for regs. But lets say its 3 times that? Is a guess


Kipzi t1_iylijzs wrote

Remember that study published in a bunch of higher tier academic journals about chocolate making you lose weight? The guy made up a fake name and put it in just to show it would be published knowing full well it was junk science.

Also the greivance studies. They published mein kempf using feminist speech and that was accepted too. They also published something about a dog park, dildos and toxic masculinity.

I never took social sciences the same.


C2h6o4Me t1_iylv1a8 wrote

It's not "just starting to come to light", either. Oil, tobacco, food and pharma companies were well known to have been practicing this in the 90's (I can't speak to before that, because I was a child in the 90s, yet still had a basic level of awareness), well before the Internet was as ubiquitous as it is today. The problem is the industries that practice it generally have a captive audience in one form or another, or the people that purchase their products either don't care or can't be bothered with the politics or ethics of the companies they buy their goods from.


TranscendingTourist t1_iyn68nk wrote

It’s amazing how much of this stuff has been in plain view for decades and people just choose to ignore it. No wonder the world is in the state it’s in


AndrewSonOfBill t1_iyn67nr wrote

I recommend the book Merchants of Doubt. Really documents the perversion of public scientific information for profit.


PMs_You_Stuff t1_iyl4cbt wrote

Increasingly? Insert always has been meme here.

Times haven't changed. Money had always been in science. Tobacco, oil, coal, sugar, etc etc.


Grey___Goo_MH t1_iym5005 wrote

Telfon production

“It’s all ok to dump this byproduct in a major river” np at all - internal documents

It’s in everything and it’s everywhere you can detect it in blood of everyone …np at all ships production over seas see NO PROBLEM AT ALL

Idiocracy was a rosy version of our future


hectichead22 t1_iykg6dt wrote

They know where to go in, fund and influence. Universities! Period!


Sawses t1_iylhpeg wrote

Do bear in mind that the history of science is extremely political and driven by "Big Money". All the way from philosophers like Plato and Aristotle all the way through proto-scientists like Tycho and Darwin into the 19th/20th centuries with "scientific" justifications for things like sexism and classism.

It didn't end then. Now you've got bloated bureaucratic institutions that are far more about money than about science, with no end of people willing to trade scientific rigor for better odds at tenure by pursuing the "right" lines of questioning or failing to address certain implications of their research.

That isn't to say science is an unworthy pursuit, or that modern scientists are all corrupt or that the institutions don't do a lot of good. IMO it's the highest calling a person can pursue even in the present circumstances. That doesn't make modern scientific institutions or their practitioners beyond reproach, however.


doeldougie t1_iylq7ig wrote

If it’s true that most studies come to the conclusion purchased by whoever paid for the study, should we stop trusting science?


Notyalc0230 t1_iynwwru wrote

Leonardo Da Vinci was not cooking up great ideas because he was just a generous guy. Science had been captured by the wealthy for a long time, with some scientists actively looking to gain the support of wealthy benefactors. This is why public funding of science, funding that aligns science to the public interest, is so critical. It's not a coincidence that a golden age of scientific advancements and trust in science coincided with a massive increase in publicly funded science.


insaneintheblain t1_iylffby wrote

The only solution is for the individual to take on a scientific mindset of their own - but people are complacent and allow their reality to be dictated to them.


Sawses t1_iyli2rg wrote

There are only so many hours in the day. Most people have too many other responsibilities to be able to think scientifically about everything.

I'm trained as a scientist and understand the nature of science better than most. I don't use a scientific mindset for everything, because that requires a great deal of thought, data collection, and background investigation.

I'll let experts in economics or geopolitics or computer science dictate my reality in areas of expertise. Not because I can't just figure it out for myself, but because that will take hundreds of hours to even get to a point where I can begin to have an educated opinion.


insaneintheblain t1_iylm1di wrote

Having a scientific mindset doesn’t mean a person has to think about everything - it means a person can choose which things they wish to think about.


SilverMedal4Life t1_iym00gr wrote

I wish to think about how we ought to be able to trust experts rather than having to constantly guess peoples' motives.


insaneintheblain t1_iym0xeb wrote

It's just a matter of developing one's own discernment

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.” - Richard Feynman


m-in t1_iym3vc0 wrote

It’s not only about thinking. It’s also about access to information. A lot of science is behind paywalls. Not everyone is a student or lives close to a campus to get access to papers “for free”. I go to campus biweekly just to download IEEE papers I need. Had I had to buy those at list price, it’d have been hundreds of dollars each month. I graduated almost 2 decades ago.


insaneintheblain t1_iymd3vo wrote

Information is everywhere - the ability to parse it constructively is rare in individuals

“We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning.” ― Jean Baudrillard


m-in t1_iyncrjk wrote

I agree. Reading papers with understanding is real work, at least in disciplines I’m interested in (engineering-related mostly).