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eliteLord77 t1_iyq98so wrote

everything in the oceans is vulnerable to noise,.... we have royally screwed up the oceans. horrendous tragedy, over exploited for 500+ years. its a miracle theres anything alive in the oceans at all.


showMEthatBholePLZ t1_iyr74yj wrote

Was it really that exploited 100 years ago? Genuinely asking as I thought the industrial revolution was when humanity started destroying the planet.


Veasna1 t1_iyra1yb wrote

Whales were for lampoil. But other than that, not sure.


DHF_Bassist t1_iyrit8n wrote

Whales were used for other things such as corsets (ribbing from baleen), tools (spoons for caviar), jewlery, soaps, food and perfumes among other things. Absolutely tragic.


eliteLord77 t1_iyreqj1 wrote

do some research into historical fish stocks. the seas were seething with fish and whales.


marketrent OP t1_iyq60x7 wrote

Tim Stephens, 8 July 2022.


>The reaction of narwhals to the loud noise from seismic air guns used in oil exploration involves a disruption of the normal physiological response to intense exercise as the animals try to escape the noise. The overall effect is a large increase in the energetic cost of diving while a paradoxically reduced heart rate alters the circulation of blood and oxygen.

>“They’re swimming as hard as they can to get away, and yet their heart rate is not increasing—we think because of a fear response. This affects how much blood and oxygen can circulate, and that’s going to be problematic,” said Terrie Williams, a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at UC Santa Cruz who led the new study.

>Published July 8 in the Journal of Functional Ecology, the study provides the first look at the impact of seismic noise on the physiological responses of a deep-diving cetacean.


>According to Williams, the combination of extremely low heart rates, increased heart rate variability, and high-intensity exercise during deep dives presents a significant physiological challenge for narwhals, especially if the disruptions are prolonged as would be likely during extended oil exploration activities.

>Narwhals live year-round in high Arctic waters where sea ice has helped isolate them from disturbance by humans for millions of years.

>But declines in polar sea ice are making the region more accessible to shipping, natural resource exploration, and other human activities.

Journal of Functional Ecology, 2022. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.14119


Shaggy_One t1_iyqn0v8 wrote

All I can think of is that one video explaining just how absurdly loud sonar is. Like 200db+ on the high end iirc. Enough energy to instantly boil water surrounding the sonar device if turned up too high.


Ichthyologist t1_iyqw6yz wrote

I used to clean boat hulls as a side gig. One day I was getting started on a coast guard cutter and they'd forgotten to turn off the passive sonar. That thing clicked and I could feel it in my skeleton. I can't imagine what the active sonar is like for an animal evolved to hear under water.


mostly_kittens t1_iyrhexh wrote

Passive sonar doesn’t generate any noise.


Ichthyologist t1_iysatsr wrote

Ah, my mistake. That makes sense. Maybe he said their low gain sonar or something to that effect. I'm going by what I felt and what I remember the seaman telling me six years ago. I'm a biologist, not a sailor.


Coppastona t1_iyrg9uq wrote

This is true, most large vessels (at least naval vessels) have ramp-up procedures on their sonar to mitigate this as much as possible.


Politikr t1_iyrnv6t wrote

No kidding, it's been known for a long time. Whales and porpoises beach themselves because of sonar all the time.


FoxFourTwo t1_iyrp4la wrote

Guess they need to start baconing at a different time. There's still people out at midnight.


Zeduca t1_iytdqzt wrote

So are all marine mammals.


gourdistheword t1_iysv1jv wrote

What a curious coincidence, just two days ago I did a Cambridge English test, and one of the texts in the reading part was about this bioacustician, Bernie Krause, and his book about acoustics and ecology. Very interesting subject.


VdomanFla t1_iyt5jgc wrote

I’ve swam with dolphins, sharks, even whale sharks… but I don’t think I’d swim with a narwhal. That tusk looks too dangerous.


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Kent_Knifen t1_iyrkz6a wrote

Narwhals Narwhals

Swimming in the ocean

Victims of commotion

And it's not so awesome


jnickk t1_iytk12s wrote

Here’s my bi-monthly reminder that narwhals are a real animal.


Slimmzli t1_iytuh8i wrote

Sonar frequencies and melt your Brain or boil a little part of the sea


serestar t1_iyrewfg wrote

Human activities makes it sound like people splashing in the water. Title should read oil drilling and boat traffic...


anthonyofyork t1_iywch32 wrote

This is true of many categories of marine life and I fear, not very well understood by modern society. And this problem will grow worse over time, given the extensive use of sonar in applications ranging from fisheries to warships.


Abestisus t1_iyrdrvv wrote

Isn't every being on the planet, including humans, vulnerable to human activities?

If you know of one that is not I would like to know as well so I can change my opinion please.


eliteLord77 t1_iyrgfsb wrote

im not sure what your point is. but, yes, we live in a closed system.


Abestisus t1_iyrgy9d wrote

I'm sure you can get the point of it, and thank you for the answer. I love you


eliteLord77 t1_iyrhnf8 wrote

no, i don't get your point. to my reading a question like that makes it sound like you think people shouldn't bother


Abestisus t1_iyrjmq1 wrote

I mean to say we are a bother to the beings, including humans, of this planet. The research like this will only continue to show more accurately how we are not benefiting the ecosystem. I encourage it

Humans add nothing useful to the ecosystem that the planet couldn't do on its own.

I don't mean for this to be taken as hatred for humans, I love humans but we are a consuming species. We don't put anything back yet.


Beaneroo t1_iyrl64g wrote

Good thing that narwhals don’t exist and are from a fantasyland
