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cannotremembermyname t1_j1aw32c wrote

Pretty much everything sold now contains some sort of plastic, if not the object for sale, then the packaging or tags.

Until the manufacturers aren't held responsible for the crisis they've created they'll continue to pump it out.


IAintGotNoCandy4You t1_j1bayz4 wrote

If only we had some sort of manufactoring regulations and oversight


BlueSunCorporation t1_j1bqmie wrote

Hard to regulate industry when it spread across multiple countries. Globalization is a travesty that is murdering the planet.


mindlessgames t1_j1c8v5p wrote

Europe does it just fine, when they want to.


Randvek t1_j1citz6 wrote

Pretty much the entire West is not the problem on microplastics. Makes it much harder to solve.


mindlessgames t1_j1cly1y wrote

Everything we buy comes in a plastic container.


Randvek t1_j1eqa05 wrote

Plastic containers and microplastic aren’t the same thing.


mindlessgames t1_j1eqk5s wrote

I'll give you one guess what all those plastic bottles and containers decay into.


flip314 t1_j1ccupz wrote

If enough countries had the will to write regulations into their trade agreements, this kind of thing could be somewhat controlled.

Yeah, you have less control over the manufacturing process, but the products and packaging allowed for import actually could be controlled


User_Neq t1_j1civ89 wrote

Anything that affects profit margins reflects in wage options


Nitz93 t1_j1d6sm6 wrote

If it's forbidden here you could forbid the import.

Like why is it OK to buy shoes made from child slaves but I can't open my very own sweatshop here. That's unfair competition!


whisky_in_your_water t1_j1e6v79 wrote

I think we should enforce a carbon/pollution tax and have it impact imports as well. It should include transportation emissions, packaging, etc as well, and if those details aren't provided, the tax should estimate high.


Champagne_of_piss t1_j1dceey wrote

How dare you suggest we impede profit in any way?

What are you, some kind of communist?


Read_Dead t1_j1dz32f wrote

It's amazing when you really step back and look in a shop or supermarket, even things that have no business having plastic packaging, have it. It is so difficult to realistically cut your plastics down.