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Merv71 t1_iz1y33f wrote

Thank god that mystery is solved. Now get back to work on Rain Forest's, Crime, Pollution, Poverty, Hunger, Human Trafficking, Terrorism, Sustainable Energy Sources, my 401k, Corrupt Stock Market, Political Divide, Obesity, Cancer, War, Baldness, Affordable Health Care, Fair Housing, General Worldwide Equality and Bring back rock and roll to the LA Radio market.


analrightrn t1_iz1zonk wrote

Ah yes, bc the same scientists performing this study surely also have the expertise and education related to that vast range of topics. Solid take


Phatigus t1_iz2rurl wrote

I’ve noticed this take over the years, but it’s getting more prominent despite a very simple answer as to why it’s foolish. Actually it seems to rear it’s head anytime there’s a complex problem that doesn’t seem to be getting solved quick enough: person or team works hard to develop something that helps improve literally anything that’s an aside from what the listener cares about, let’s say a machine that passes butter. “Why’d you waste time on that garbage, you could have been fixing global warming!”. “Sir, I have zero education or experience in that science, I just know how to make small electronic devices that are fun, and thought perhaps they could pass the butter instead of me…”