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China_Lover t1_iz45agu wrote

Asia was populated by humans before Europe was, so all Europeans are Asian and all Asians are African.


Strazdas1 t1_iz4be02 wrote

That is debatable. Oldest homo sapiens was found in morroco, oldest hominid ancestor was found in crete.


aoechamp t1_iz5ac83 wrote

As you just stated, the earliest homo sapiens was found in Morocco. Morocco is in Africa. Hominid ancestors are irrelevant as they are not humans. Thanks for proving your own statement wrong.


Rasayana85 t1_iz5046d wrote

Read that over ony more time, and see if you can spot your error.


[deleted] t1_iz52e5j wrote

The oldest hominid ancestors were found in Ethiopia


Strazdas1 t1_iz57v9e wrote

Ardi is 4,4 million years old. Cretan fossils are dated at 6 million. So no, they are not.


[deleted] t1_iz69epy wrote


All I could find was hominid footprints dated 6 million years ago and sources said the dating is controversial