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t611g t1_izcmqfo wrote

Previous mental health disorders? Hmm, maybe that’s because Long COVID itself is a mental health disorder, and if you have one mental health disorder you’re more likely to have other mental health disorders?

Women? Well, every other psychogenic illness tends to be about 80% in women and girls.


lilith-ness t1_izcocn9 wrote

“Approximately 80% of all patients diagnosed with autoimmune diseases are women.”


bikeidaho t1_izcphxc wrote

Welp, check two outta three.


trulymadlybigly t1_izcr3xs wrote

Anecdotal evidence here but I can say that my anxiety has been the worst it’s even been since having Covid twice. I’ve never had this many panic attacks, I’ll be interested to see what the other studied effects of long Covid are. I also still can’t smell that well and can’t smell/taste vanilla at all and it’s been since July 2020 that I had it the first time


Songmuddywater t1_izcwbod wrote

Men are more likely to be taken seriously when they report symptoms and to be treated for them. Women are more likely to be told that it's all in our head and that it's a psychiatric problem. Take Lyme disease for example. Yes men are more likely to work outside jobs and more likely to catch Lyme disease. But when they report l symptoms they're more likely to be treated. Women who report Lyme disease symptoms are more likely to be ignored and told it's all in our head. That we have hypochondria. Which is why chronic lyme disease is found more often in women!

Sadly it is women medical professionals who often treat women the worst. Refusing to even listen to symptoms.


Practical_Koala799 t1_izcwitb wrote

Doesn't look like vaccination status was factored into this study - I would be curious to see what that looks like.


Yerwun t1_izcy14m wrote

Well women have higher rates of depression and anxiety diagnoses, so unless they controlled for that, that explains that correlation.


Thecleaner1975 t1_izcz1ov wrote

I'm male and generally healthy. No asthma, smoking, etc. Spent 7 days in hospital in early '21. I've always had a mild to average anxiety. I cannot smell skunk at all anymore. My wife will be gagging and I would never know if she did not tell me about the smell. About 2 weeks out of every month I smell a electrical burning smell mixed with old cardboard and dirty sweat socks. Clean my sinuses out a lot and it doesn't help. Drives me crazy. My anxiety is worse now and I cannot concentrate like I used to at work.


feidxeno t1_izd899y wrote

I had covid twice. Both times, it shuts off my allergies. (which is good).

Normally, I will get rhinitis once or twice a week. But right after covid, I will not get rhinitis for another 2-3 months before it starts to happen again. I also get mild skin rash from certain food, which no longer triggers after my covid, for 2-3 months.

Weird I know, but I haven't found anyone with similar symptoms, even ones that are positive.


il_duomino t1_izdb47w wrote

That's super interesting... Perhaps your body overreaction to minor allergies is muted for a period after infection with covid.. like some people's smell /taste


paro54 t1_izdfeep wrote

The same three groups are also less likely to experience severe acute covid.


feidxeno t1_izdfvz9 wrote

Possibly. I'm a 39yo healthy male. Covid doesn't seem to cause me any observable long term symptoms so far. I was positive for 5 days for the first covid and positive for only 2-3 days on the second. Just fyi, I had 4 vaccine shots so far since last year.

My wife on the other hand, will get a bad cough that last 1-2 months even after testing negative. 3 vaccine shots

My kids, 3 and 6 years old bounced back fast too. No vaccine.

No noticeable loss of taste and smell either.


Frosti11icus t1_izdg6fl wrote

There are theories that Covid can reset your immune system similar to the measles which according to the theory is why we are seeing such massive surges of flu, Covid, and rsv as well as people getting sicker than usual from common cold. No immunity to an allergen means your immune system won’t attack the allergen, until your body recalibrates.


Weird-Fox-4036 t1_izdih50 wrote

LDN and a stellate ganglion blockage brought me my taste and smell back after more than a year without it. The microglia are overactive and therefore pro inflammatory of the CNS. Both things can lower it and seriously saved me.

All CNS calming activities, breathing exercises, gentle! Movement, meditation, Vagus nerve exercises can help too.- that's actual science, with those keywords you can Google for the papers..

Everything anti inflammatory helps too. Preventing blood sugar spikes, pro and prebiotics for gut health (biiig part of the whole system). Histamine free diet and antihistamines

Bosweliac acid (2g a day), high vit C, Sanopal forte


Time-Lime t1_izdiqju wrote

No this is known. Ive posted about this before. But covid can cross the blood brain barrier. Causes neuroinflammation. Neuroinflammation is related to a whole host of mental health disorders including anxiety, OCD and depression. Covid can thus trigger or worsen these disorders.

SSRI has a significant anti-neuroinflammatory effect. Could be the main reason for their efficacy. People who take SSRIs have a lower risk of being severly ill from covid.

I dont have a lot of time thus the very short explanations and answers. I can back every single statement up with peer reviewed papers if anyone doubts me however. May add these as references after work.


KaanyeSouth t1_izdk9xr wrote

Im male and generally healthy. No asthma, smoking etc. Caught covid, felt fluey for 3 days and then was mostly fine apart from the slightest sniffle. After a week wouldnt have even knew i caught it.


Weird-Fox-4036 t1_izdlgqd wrote

True, thx, I always forget then because I don't take them .. just be careful, as some have serotonin problems and are more likely to develope serotonin syndrome. Which isn't fun


Time-Lime t1_izdlkr7 wrote

Yeah, although serotonin syndrome is very low risk as long as you dont mix with the wrong drugs/supplements haha...But yes there are risks. All about weighing up the potential benefits vs risks at the end of the day.


Cham-Clowder t1_izdm114 wrote

I had a (my first) manic episode episode thanks to Covid


Jetztinberlin t1_izdpbdz wrote

> Covid can reset your immune system

Source? Every bit of coverage I've seen states simply that the surges are due to reduced exposure over the last 2.5 years, which is a much more common sense and less frightening explanation.


SnooPuppers1978 t1_izdvivw wrote

Could be something like immune system re-balancing its priorities. So it prioritises dealing with Covid-19 over its default priorities which happen to be reacting to generally harmless things by causing rhinitis.


SnooPuppers1978 t1_izdvy0g wrote

I think it doesn't have to be that binary either. It could be that it affects immune system priorities, where it for a period of time will prioritise defending against Covid-19 over anything else and during that time be more susceptible to other viruses. Current surges could be combination of both, lack of exposure and somewhat realigned priorities. Wouldn't call it reseting, but more like temporary reprioritisation.


trowawaywork t1_izdweo0 wrote

OP, I'm writing a research paper for one of my classes and I'll actually include this article in it. Cool resource, thanks.


Songmuddywater t1_ize2gi7 wrote

Sorry, I'm not doing research on how doctors treat women in every country on the planet. But, think it's safe to say that this is probably a global issue.

Remember Sweden is a country that will punish a woman more severely who uses pepper spray to fight off a rapist then they will the rapist. The government of Sweden seriously hates women. One can only assume that the medical establishment hates women as well.


Thirdwhirly t1_ize611o wrote

So, not exactly the same, but my wife experienced a pretty lengthy time that her allergies didn’t bother her but she did not regain her sense of taste and smell for the same period—about 2 months—and when her sense of taste/smell did return, it took another 6 months until they were normal again. We both had COVID pre-vaccine, and she didn’t get as ill as I did (I probably should have gone to the hospital, but the two nearest were at capacity), but that lasting effect on her taste, combined with her allergies “turning off” was a weird thing for sure.


Michelrpg t1_ize6u1n wrote

The mental health disorder strikes me as odd. Gender, sure fysiology. Asthma, lung related

But a correlation between mental health and covid is news to me


Songmuddywater t1_izearrk wrote

Quack diagnosis achieve recovery with long term dosages of antibiotics. But thank you for being a shining example of why people are treated crappily by the medical institution. We have people like you running it. People who when they are shown evidence that a treatment ends the symptoms, and allows people to live a healthy symptom-free life. You don't care. You prefer to tell people it's all in their head and their serious medical conditions are made up.


Gramage t1_izebzc7 wrote

Yes we should've just not told anyone why millions of people died. That woulda helped with the anxiety, sure. Refrigerated trucks and ice rinks full of corpses because morgues couldn't keep up, nothing to see here.


Cypher1492 t1_izec3qd wrote

Lyme disease and "chronic lyme" are two different things. And I'm not the one making the claim that anything is "all in one's head" . You are the one putting those words in my mouth. Mental illness is real and just as serious as other illnesses.

Edit: and by the way the link you shared contains a link to the NIH page on chronic lyme

>Because of the confusion in how the term CLD is employed, and the lack of a clearly defined clinical definition, many experts in this field do not support its use.

> In patients who have non-specific symptoms after being treated for Lyme disease and who have no evidence of active infection (patients with PTLDS), studies have shown that more antibiotic therapy is not helpful and can be dangerous.


Jetztinberlin t1_izec4v5 wrote

That is an entirely different claim medically, however. Claiming COVID resets the immune system is a serious charge and shouldn't be batted around lightly and with no supporting evidence, especially when there's perfectly plausible common sense explanations for the same phenomena.


Songmuddywater t1_izecu8u wrote

You didn't click on the link. Here's the very beginning that I'm copying and pasting for you. Straight from the CDC.

"Untreated Lyme disease can produce a wide range of symptoms, depending on the stage of infection. These include fever, rash, facial paralysis, and arthritis."

Untreated Lyme disease is the same thing as chronic lyme disease. Again we have a well-known and accepted by the medical profession chronic disease which can be treated and cured by long-term doses of antibiotics. This is something that in years past they made fun of people and called them hypochondriacs even as their bodies were shutting down, their hair was falling out, and they were in crippling pain every day. But now we have ample evidence to prove that this is a real thing and it has real treatments.

And even though every medical establishment admits it's a real thing. You are still stuck in the backward belief system that it's okay to make fun of women in pain. Wow, the fact that people like you exist in society makes me sad.


Cypher1492 t1_izeeso0 wrote

Word games? I made the edit before you even posted your response. Perhaps if you had read the link you provided more thoroughly you would have noticed the link to the NIH page regarding CLD.


Songmuddywater t1_izeg91h wrote

And yet you are still climbing that someone who has untreated long-term Lyme disease is suffering from a mental problem and doesn't need antibiotics. Your posts still up. With any luck you will live to have to deal with doctors as they don't listen to you and treat you like crap when you try to explain real problems you are having. Karma usually finds a way to bite.


Cypher1492 t1_izegz1x wrote

And you continue to put words in my mouth and deny the serious nature of mental illness. If you read the NIH page I linked you will see that there is no evidence that prolonged treatment with antibiotics is helpful when treating PTLD or CLD and that it may actually be harmful to patients.

Again, mental illness is real illness. Being diagnosed with a mental illness is not a doctor "treating you like crap" or an implication that your issues are imaginary.


sonia72quebec t1_izeiqgf wrote

As a woman with asthma and depression, I have been having dizzy spells sporadically after getting Covid two years ago. A weird dizzy feeling that makes me throw up and be really sensitive to light. It can take 2 to 5 days to get better.

Not fun at all.


t611g t1_izener8 wrote

Also, just read any news article about Long COVID. Almost every article involves a person (almost always a woman) who’s gone to about 12 different doctors, and all of the doctors tell her she’s just imagining things. Of course, the authors of the article (who usually scream “trust the science”) always claims that all 12 of those doctors are wrong.


nsnooze t1_izeowzu wrote

Before I even start responding, I would like to know what your qualifications are to make the statement that any disease with over 200 symptoms is a pseudoscientific disease?

Or where you've got that information from?

Honestly, I think you're trying desperately to claim something you don't understand. For a start, who is claiming that all reactions (different symptoms) fall within the same immuno-response and form the exact same disease?


nsnooze t1_izepnj5 wrote

Did you actually read the article you're quoting?

>but much evidence for organic disease is also presented

And which medical professionals think mental illness is a joke?


Mountainstreams t1_izer4ik wrote

Breathing exercises trigger heart palpitations & stomach spasms with my wife that take a few days to fully dissipate after. A few doctors & holistic health practitioners suggested to try it while connected to eeg ecg etc but they only saw ectopic beats & suggested it might be vagus nerve damage. She was prescribed LDN, which she hasn’t tried yet. Do you think Did the LDN help your vagus nerve?


_ChipWhitley_ t1_izet6e3 wrote

I’m male, I had asthma as an infant, and I’ve suffered mental health disorders (mainly depression when I was a teenager/young adult), and I had Delta 15 months ago. The brain fog and memory lapses are so strong it’s difficult to function at work. I can sit through an entire movie and walk out with no memory of it. I look at a chart and I can’t remember what I saw. It is really one of the trippiest things in my entire life that I’ve had to learn to deal with.


Weird-Fox-4036 t1_izetb3d wrote

It's all connected, the CNS gets damaged by covid, especially the microglia are overactive and keeping the neuroinflammation up. The vagus nerve is one part of the CNS and therefore inflammed too. The LDN lowers the activation of microglia and neuroinflammation. Furthermore it slows auto-immune actions and improves neurotransmitters. It helped me a lot. Most helpful for my Vagus nerve was the stellatum ganglion blockage. I seizured and fainted in the beginning when I tried breathing exercises. Then I got an oximeter (most long COVID patients have chronic hyperventilation) and just tried to get the oxygen level down by concentrating on breathing out longer than inhaling. There is no need for special exercises, breathing out longer already has a positive effect. I also got the polar H10 and the autonom health app, it measures your HRV and gives direct feedback of the state of how Parasympathicus and sympathicus work together.


Mountainstreams t1_izeveuu wrote

That’s interesting that you had the same symptoms as my wife from the breathing exercises. Up until now most doctors are surprised she can’t handle them. Her case is a bit unusual though because she started getting the stomach spasms & heart palpitations an hour after her second Covid vaccine & they dissipated somewhat over the next 3 weeks. Her cardiologist said that he sees a lot of the same POTS like symptoms from Covid & the vaccine but most people improve over time. She is a lot better now than she was last year but her vagus nerve still seems to get relapses every few months & doctors don’t seem to understand it. The neurologists seemed to understand it the least. It seems like any immune stressor can trigger it, be that a common cold or Covid infection or even a stomach bug. We’re hoping some breakthrough research comes out on the neurological side of long Covid in the next year or two since it feels like personal experimentation at the moment. But I think we will pursue trying LDN once we made sure it doesn’t interact with POTS medication! A stellate ganglion block is also on our list of possible treatments but were going through the list slowly & carefully for now.


nsnooze t1_izew8f6 wrote

Did I question the number of symptoms in my response?

Did you even read what I've written?

Edit to clarify: I'm asking where you got the inference that any disease with 200 symptoms must be pseudoscientific?

Also could you tell me who has implied that there is only one version of Long COVID?

It's entirely possible to get 200 symptoms from 200 acutely different illnesses.


t611g t1_izewqvb wrote

Yeah, cancer has 12 different symptoms, and Long COVID has 200 different symptoms. Sure seems plausible to me.

Seriously, try to find any disease other than Long COVID that’s claimed to have 200 symptoms. I can guarantee with 100% certainty that no such disease exists.


Weird-Fox-4036 t1_izewunc wrote

My docs meant that my whole CNS (including vagus nerve) is highly inflamed due to covid. First studies show that this is the reason for many neurological symptoms. I have developed severe pots too and take several meds for it, obviously check with your doc, but it's a pretty common combination. Also for pots, as it's also connected to autonomic dysfunctioning. I would startreally low, like 0,5 mg, and try different day times. I started with 1,5mg and the first two weeks were hell, I had insomnia and insane migraines, but then I changed to mornings and then I only had some more headaches for some more weeks and now I don't have any side effects, as long as I take it in the morning. But my cognitive function and neurological health keeps improving.. I would do my own research and try different things, as everyone reacts pretty different to LDN. And I wanted to skip it several times but I'm really happy I stayed with it.

Wish you good luck


nsnooze t1_izex9aq wrote

Yeah, I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and guess you haven't seen my edit to my previous comment.

Has anyone claimed that long COVID is purely one disease/bodily reaction?

Or is it possible there could be 200 different diseases that make up post COVID syndrome?


Mountainstreams t1_izexmcj wrote

Thanks for the tips. We were worried about the side effects alright. She was getting bad migraines for a while until we switched to magnesium glycinate from citrate as one of her supplements. She only had brain fog in the early months thankfully, but she does get fibromyalgia & costochondritis. It was actually her rheumatologist that prescribed the LDN for the pain side of things. But it might be the case that all the symptoms fit together.


RonaldMikeDonald1 t1_izexq4d wrote

I wonder what percent of people who experience long COVID are actually experiencing anxiety? I know anxiety can cause very real feeling symptoms; I've thought I was suffocating just sitting there.


nsnooze t1_izez670 wrote

I can also guarantee you that no disease of Long COVID exists, you know why? It's not a disease.

Long COVID is a medical condition, or to put it far more accurately a collection of conditions.

Also, have you looked at that definition of 200 symptoms? You're saying cancer only has 22 symptoms, but that's untrue, because you could easily redefine those symptoms so each current symptom was 2 or 3 different symptoms simply by being more specific in your definition of each symptom.

Once again, I don't think you have any idea of what you're talking about. I'll keep asking, what are your qualifications, that allow you to assert that long COVID is pseudoscientific?


Purple_Passages t1_izezy5d wrote

I still have a long Covid cough months after I had it. Doctor said she’s seen people still have a cough up to a year after


nsnooze t1_izf0drs wrote

I can't leave it, your misunderstanding of data and science has really irritated me when you're being so confident in your misinterpretations.

Information sourced from

Yes, there are 22 general symptoms of cancer, however that is in no way an exhaustive list. There are more symptoms, but those are the most likely to effect you. So your claim that there are only 22 different symptoms of cancer is based on a misinterpretation of information.

Please, stop spouting rubbish you clearly don't understand.

EDIT TO ADD: I've just realised you were claiming there were only 12 symptoms of cancer and I've been saying 22 as that's the list I've been looking at. Is that in any way meaningful to you, or are you going to ignore the fact that longer lists of symptoms of cancer exist?

And from the list you're referencing on the Mayo clinic:

>Some general signs and symptoms associated with, but not specific to, cancer, include:

That precedes the list of symptoms you're banging on about. What do the words some and include mean in this context?


starBux_Barista t1_izf4aat wrote

I was experiencing the same symptoms as you. I started looking into things and then I found this whole group of people taking lions mane and shrooms to recover from the brain fog( had problems comprehending sentences and basic math) and anxiety attacks ( never had them prior to COVID).

Month and a half now since taking lions mane daily and shrooms every week to 2 weeks. Anxiety is completely gone, depressive thoughts as well. Brain fog is nearly gone completely and am almost back to pre COVID levels.


Songmuddywater t1_izfaeed wrote

And you just said that a teenage girl should be prosecuted for using pepper spray to stop a rapist. At this point it doesn't matter where you are from or where the story is from. You just said that a child should go to jail for not being raped. You are a perfect example of why Sweden hates women!! You went to import as many people as you can who hate women and believe that a woman walking on the street is acting to be raped. Then you want to put women in jail for fighting back.

Sweden hates women. Prove me wrong.


starryeyes224 t1_izfb005 wrote

Wow, I meet all three criteria. And I’ve had covid twice. I’d say so far so good, actually.


Songmuddywater t1_izfb37x wrote

So according to you even though it is acknowledged by the CDC and other health organizations that such a condition exists. Because we don't have perfect treatment for it, we must treat everyone suffering from it as if they are mentally ill.

You now have no right to make fun of anyone in the 1980s who treated people with AIDS badly. Because you have the same mindset.


Kenail_Rintoon t1_izfd6ky wrote

Again, try to read what I'm writing. She will get a small fine for "minor weapons violation". If it's anything like Sweden a 17 year old would get maybe a 150$ fine. It also has nothing to do with defending herself. If she had used it unprovoked there would be assault with a weapon charges but since it was in self defence there won't be any charges for that. I have no idea why she was arrested as normal procedure would have been to just call her parents to come get her.

I already proved that Sweden doesn't hate women . On the other hand you should cool it with the blatant racism. Calling every immigrant a rapist is not only wrong but incredibly racist.


Cypher1492 t1_izfff0q wrote

From the CDC page you linked, under the "FAQ" section (emphasis mine):

> What is "chronic Lyme disease"?

>>Lyme disease is caused by infection with the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. Although most cases of Lyme disease can be cured with a 2- to 4-week course of oral antibiotics, patients can sometimes have symptoms of pain, fatigue, or difficulty thinking that last for more than 6 months after they finish treatment. This condition is called ”Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome” (PTLDS). The term “chronic Lyme disease” (CLD) is also sometimes used; however, this term has been used to describe a wide variety of different conditions and therefore can be confusing. Because of the confusion in how the term CLD is employed, experts do not support its use (Feder et al.,2007 For more information, see the National Institutes of Health — “Chronic Lyme Disease”.

So it is not, however much you try to claim it, acknowledged by the CDC.


Songmuddywater t1_izfhwka wrote

So you admit that it's an issue. You admit the experts know about it and admit that people can be long term suffers of Lyme. You admit that professionals including the CDC and medical doctors use the term chronic fine as well as other words to describe the syndrome.

But you still think that women who have long-term symptoms of Lyme disease or mentally ill and don't deserve to be treated medically. Because they are women they should never have symptoms listen to by a medical professional. They should always assume that when a woman claims pain that it's in her head.

Wow! This is a level of sexism I haven't encountered in a long time. Even the groups who hate women don't go this far.


Cypher1492 t1_izfndge wrote

Please read what I actually said.

> mentally ill and don't deserve to be treated medically

You keep insisting that mental illness is somehow "not real" and isn't treated medically which is simply not true. Mental illness is medical illness.


GoddessOfTheRose t1_izfpts6 wrote

I have a deadly dairy allergy, and wasn't allergic to dairy for 2 and a half weeks after my last round of covid. My doctor has been super confused over it.

Edit: this last round of covid also fixed a lot of other long covid symptoms from the first two times.


Ruralraan t1_izfsmbv wrote

My guess is some mental health disorders, or their severity, are also symptoms of something physiological (from vit D deficiency, thyroid problems, to whatever else). Another guess was, people with mental health disorders experience more stress, maybe they have more cortisol in their blood, which might also make vulnerable. And depression for example also is linked to a heightened white blood cell count in some patients. I think there's more to 'mental' health than we know of today.


Fickle-Republic-3479 t1_izg34p1 wrote

Covid has seemed to awaken my asthma. Before I had covid, I had no health problems. After covid, I started having lung problems and got a sudden diagnosis of asthma. It's been around 8 months, and I still struggle as a previously healthy young adult.


NthException t1_izgbkvh wrote

After COVID I started having sinusitis every night for maybe a year. Progressively lessoning in strength. Only at night, before dinner, and would happen anywhere even while driving. Never remember having that issue at all prior to covid. Now days it happens maybe once every couple months. So weird.


nsnooze t1_izgo2mi wrote

Do you not have an answer for the correct and valid information you've been given?

Couldn't help but look at your profile and see all the conspiracy subs you're a member of. Is the information you've given here the best you could drudge up from those subs?


Possumsurprise t1_izgpgq8 wrote

I contracted COVID multiple times from family members and haven’t been vaccinated yet due to a mix of some medical conditions I have that I’m fearful of potential interaction with but also just every time I intended to do it something happened that made it impossible then I’d catch covid again and have to wait and etc.

I never lost my sense of smell or taste even during active infection, or got very sick (also a reason I didn’t necessarily prioritize vaccination despite being adamant my at high risk family members should get it) and I kind of want to attribute it to some of the medications I’m on. I take a lot of medicine to treat a messy combination of a genetic condition, neuropsych conditions, GI and immunological issues I have including some unconventional stuff. Two that I feel could’ve helped were famotidine which I take in supratherapeutic doses with approval from a doctor and memantine, which is potently neuroprotective.

My point is I think I preserved smell and taste throughout because of these drugs. I’m curious to see if long COVID and it’s brain fog type symptoms are responsive to any of these kinds of agents that induce neurogenesis.


jaypp_ t1_izgxjpu wrote

Someone I know who gets dizzy spells was diagnosed with Meniere's disease that only manifests in adulthood - but I think there were other symptoms to do with hearing etc.


SmuckSlimer t1_izhd3cq wrote

Just a theory, but people who have mental health disorders might be more likely to have continuous exposure to the virus, causing their body to never win the fight outright.


nsnooze t1_izis3dp wrote

Come on dude, I really want to help you with your misunderstandings here.

You're believing conspiracy theories because you are misunderstanding/misrepresenting data and science, mixed with some poor critical thinking. We can work on that together, but you going silent when shown how you're misrepresenting things is not going to get us anywhere.


nsnooze t1_izncskz wrote

You're still posting on skeptic and conspiracy subs, so why won't you engage with someone who is trying to actively help improve your critical thinking skills?


Vespertine t1_izpmpp3 wrote

It's common for viral infections in general to depress immunity in their aftermath (why bacterial infections are quite common after flu, for example). Though covid may be doing this in different ways and for longer.

There's more and more mention of this about in discussions online between scientists and doctors, though English language newspapers aren't covering it much, albeit some articles present it as one of a set of competing theories. (It is not settled in the wider medical/scientific community.)


recent preprints (late 2022):

General media articles taking issue with 'immunity debt' or the way the term is being used: (article by medical doctor) (article by medical doctor)

Presenting it as one among various possibilities: (article by academic health scientist)


Jetztinberlin t1_izt4wth wrote

Again, depressing immune activity =/= erasing immune memory (ie measles, the original claim). Lots of things depress immune activity, as you say, and as you say, and it's an important thing to be aware of! But AFAIK almost nothing erases immune memory like measles does, it's measles' most terrifying property! So it's a function and a claim entirely of another order, and that was my objection.

Thanks for the sources, and I look forward to checking them out.