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Hickawa t1_izn1eto wrote

Almost like technology marches on and it wasn't some super weapon created by the boogyman in your closet. I'm super excited about this. It's a massive step forward and is going to save so many lives.


UncleJBones t1_iznpi4f wrote

Imagine how good cell phone reception will be in Africa with everyone running around with mRNA in their blood!


globefish23 t1_iznqt6s wrote

And every mosquito swarm acts as relay.

No more need for Skylink.


supez38 t1_izo8uws wrote

Everyone’s gonna have 5G now!


UncleJBones t1_izo918q wrote

The only reason I got my booster was I added a cellular iPad to my edc and I needed to increase my bandwidth.


Replicator666 t1_izq2jju wrote

Bro is almost 2023. Gonna be 6G and come with mind control


clownburner t1_izpe3du wrote

It’s already much better than a lot of the US. I was 80 miles from the nearest city in the Masai Mara and the guides were texting each other. Meanwhile a quarter mile out my front door in the wrong direction and it’s ‘no signal.’


phdoofus t1_izq78ty wrote

I was going to say people will be excited about this until they find out it was funded by Bill Gates or something.


Kenjin38 t1_izndqjw wrote

I honestly don't even see the point of developing any new vaccine without that technology. It's better in every way.


obliviousofobvious t1_iznp1cp wrote

This may be the tech required to finally break through with an AIDS vaccine!


YizWasHere t1_iznpyrc wrote

HIV vaccine*

The bigger limitation in HIV vaccine research is figuring out what immunogens we actually need to deliver and less so how to deliver them.


obliviousofobvious t1_izuhq6o wrote

Fair and valid point. I was under the impression that the limitation was that traditional methodologies didn't work.

I'll happily stand corrected.


Kenjin38 t1_iznpbw0 wrote

Yeah, that's what I think a lot of people thought, that's both encouraging and scary, as it implies there will be people screaming for their "basic human rights to infect others".


obliviousofobvious t1_izo0e8h wrote

I'm still in horrified awe at how something we've been doing for a century has become so hyper politicised, people would rather die.

Is that technically suicide at that point?


Kenjin38 t1_izo1vdw wrote

I'd be fine with it being a suicide, it'd just be natural selection.

Sadly it is also homicidal.


Roundabout213 t1_izoo39b wrote

Basically politicians. Politicians are looking to capitalize on any and all differences.


thrillho333 t1_izocivx wrote

How can you go from saying “we finally have the tech!” to “we’ve been doing this for centuries you morons” in the same breath?


obliviousofobvious t1_izodp72 wrote

Vaccination as a practice has been something we've been doing for over a century.

Virulent diseases like malaria and HIV were either innefective using the old methodology. mRNA methodologies are simply a different way of causing the exact same effect and have proven effective with these viruses.

Just because we've found a new variation on how to do it, it doesn't preclude THAT we've been doing it since Polio, if not earlier in ancient Egypt.


thrillho333 t1_izoizm0 wrote

So because the practice of immunization using actual viruses has supposedly been practiced since ancient Egypt, you unequivocally know that this “different way of causing the same effect” is comparably safe but infinitely more effective? And you are in “horrified awe” that these shots, that ushered in a new tech with zero liability, and that were maliciously pushed onto the populace have been politicized?

You realize they had to literally change the definition of vaccine so that people like urselves can tie it into the safe and storied history of vaccines in their propaganda

Edit: also “proven effective for these viruses” is an incredibly naive statement to make on this thread — they are just beginning to understand the efficacy on mice. that’s incredibly long way from being safe products for me


mOdQuArK t1_izoogck wrote

> unequivocally know that this “different way of causing the same effect” is comparably safe but infinitely more effective

I am far more willing to believe in the opinions of the many experts who have studied the subject in cooperation with each other for years, than I am the half-assed opinions of fear-mongering willful-ignorants whose closest view of a test tube was from mad scientist horror flicks.


thrillho333 t1_izoxyf7 wrote

Yeah 6 mice were more than sufficient for you to get the bivalent I’m assuming?


obliviousofobvious t1_izuhi6k wrote

The sheer amount of science that went into mRNA before it ever even made it to the testing phase with the mind boggling amount of intelligent people who worked on it all says it's safe.

But yes; let's trust the "checks notes" random Facebook accounts who all start their thoughts with "I'm no scientist but..."

I'm gonna go with the pros on this one broseph. But you do you.


winterspan t1_izouyzq wrote

First highly effective malaria vaccine will be immediate Nobel prize


sabrtoothlion t1_izq1xau wrote

I honestly wonder how effective it will be. Will booster shots be needed? How often? And do you risk still catching malaria or will it work more like a traditional vaccine?


outdoorsyAF101 t1_iznwckn wrote

It is a lot like this. I wonder if they're all still waiting for us to start mutating..
