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Randybiz117 t1_izp09rx wrote

I recently got the Tdap vax, but I didn’t feel comfortable getting the Covid vax. Does that make me and anti vaxxer?


[deleted] t1_izp137i wrote



TommyCollins t1_izp3231 wrote

Bro 90%? I’ll literally film & eat my old leather wingtips if some study is done which shows even 10% of COVID vaccines “skeptics” don’t hold at least 3 other counter factual and incompatible beliefs.


DivideEtImpala t1_izrb2gz wrote

> hold at least 3 other counter factual and incompatible beliefs.

How many humans on this planet do you think don't hold at least 3 counter factual and incompatible beliefs?


TommyCollins t1_izseipg wrote

Tbh I wasn’t really prepared to eat my wingtips so I hedged my bet & hoped it would fly


n0ttomuch t1_izp2ybb wrote

No, it dosen't. Ultimatly if a medicine has side efects that you aren't sure you could handle then it's better not to take it


SocialismIsStupid t1_izrm0qb wrote

Literally any medicine can cause side effects. Even people in placebo groups get side effects. We would have no medicine with this view point.


n0ttomuch t1_izrruha wrote

some side effects are worse then others. Doctors literely wont prescibe you medicene if side effect are too storng for a patient.


SocialismIsStupid t1_izrsnqb wrote

So wait do you trust doctors or not? 99% of doctors recommend the Covid vax. Yes, there are a few quack doctors on the Internet. That’s one of the main issues with the internet. You get one doctor saying these crazy claims then 99 others saying it’s safe. Yet, anitivaxers hold on to that 1% dearly acting like it’s 50/50 divide when it’s 99/1.