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YungxHatori24 t1_j1l1zxp wrote

From my experience it all depends on your own personal experience/life, there’s a lot of nuances, for example I’m in a relationship/environment that stresses me out a lot and I don’t have much time anymore that I give to myself on self reflection, I’ve repressed a lot of feelings etc, that’s why I’m saying I believe everyone can find a balance. But definitely since I’ve started T I feel a sense of panic? Like when I’m mad about something that is out of my control I just wanna lash out like it’s an all or nothing, I want to be petty and vengeful (I’ve punched out a hole in my bathroom not long ago) Another part of me after going through self reflection a few years ago believes it’s just a matter of changing your perspectives on things and allowing yourself to be sensitive, it takes a lot of work which I have difficulty going through again. When I feel a sense of panic it’s less crying and more agression but again it might just be repression and a lack of self acknowledgement?

Once my doctor prescribed me more dose than I was supposed to be receiving and the timeline fits With me feeling more balanced and confident but then again! I was single and feeling more confident!