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AlfredoQueen88 t1_izw5bvc wrote

The best time of my life was when I was off work for 10 weeks after carpal tunnel surgery


emimagique t1_izwryww wrote

I was on furlough for about a year in 2020. I was a bit bored sometimes but it was a million times better than being at work


Atheren t1_izxdae7 wrote

I don't like to admit it because obviously it was awful for everyone else, but the beginning of covid was the best time of my life.

Making unemployment money and just staying home for months, not needing to worry about bills or work.


badpeaches t1_izxhvss wrote

You knew you were going back to work, it's different when you don't have something to look forward to.


AlfredoQueen88 t1_izxmn8c wrote

I hate working. Everyone’s different!


Elendel19 t1_izxvted wrote

Same, but a lot people who are unable to work are also living in absolute poverty with no realistic path out of it. It’s a lot different if you are able to be comfortable financially while not working.


AlfredoQueen88 t1_izy4b4f wrote

Totally. I agree with you there! I am more on the side of there should be a UBI and countries should take care of their citizens so people dont have to work themselves to the bone but that’s crazy talk apparently. I think if I didn’t HAVE to work I would still work just not nearly as much


Elendel19 t1_izy4v9s wrote

Yep, UBI and massive taxes on corporations and the top 10% is the only way forward. Technology, automation and AI are going to eliminate HUGE numbers of jobs in the next couple of decades and there won’t be enough work for everyone to get 40 hours a week, which is already unnecessary