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lookmeat t1_izz9bch wrote

Lazy parents have always been a thing for all generations, they all show it. If you see it more in Gen X and millennial, it's more because baby boomers in their 50s forward and late Milleanials/Early Zoomers in their very early 20s tend to have less children due to age.

And it's not about lazy parenting. Certainly there's better parents and worse parents out there. It's tired parenting. We live in a society that is not friendly to having families and children. I'm glad you have made the decision to control and regulate. I hope that, when you get home after an all-hands that kept you at work until 8pm, and have the 4 year olds fighting and having a tantrum, while Mom herself is just exhausted after trying to mediate a conflict that must simply be let to happen, that you'll find the strength to not put a pause on the conflict and give them media devices, but will instead, somehow, find the strength to be a good parent at that moment too. And if you don't, please don't feel bad. It's a marathon, it's 20 years, humans make mistakes, it's about doing the best you can. And maybe it'll get hard with guests, I've certainly seen it where the guests themselves get uncomfortable (but guess what, kids are rude, inconsiderate, and waaaay to energetic, it's easy to judge hard to actually do).