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TheKrononaut t1_j0ax7uq wrote

I'm 28 and I experience the occasional back pain or headache but im surprised to hear people are just experiencing pain like all the time? What kinda pain are we talking? Muscle pain? Joints?


angerpoop t1_j0b09te wrote

For me (29F), I'm clumsy, I bump into things a lot, I get paper cuts at work. :(

On a more serious note though, I have carpal tunnel which I do feel most days during winter, but that's a manageable pain (for now!).

For chronic pain, I have arthritis in my lower spine, as well as 2 degenerating discs, and dealing with the pain from that at its worst (so far) was... debilitating, really. Being awake was painful. Getting out of bed was extremely difficult because of pain. The process of sitting down hurt the worst, so using the restroom sucked. I had to sleep a certain way in bed to not be in pain. Being in constant pain is depressing and puts you in a VERY dark place, at least it did for me. It's very limiting, I couldn't do basic tasks without being in excruciating pain, and I just wanted to cease to exist because I felt like nothing would fix it and I would be in pain forever. Fortunately, physical therapy is amazing and helped tremendously and I am no longer in constant pain! But yeah every day pain sucks!

Also, how young is "young" with these statistics? ;-;


BabylonSuperiority t1_j0bf3d9 wrote

25 here, I am. Physical labour/work will do that to you, even after just a few years. Id be happy to elaborate and be more specific if you're interested.


[deleted] t1_j0b139f wrote



Saryrn13 t1_j0bh2ic wrote

Just a note, it's been approximately 3 hours since I wrote this reply. I'm still in bed, still awake after multiple times of trying to sleep, I've taken the medication I'm allowed to take. And I'm still in a level of pain high enough that I can't even relax to rest. Much less think about sleep.