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Spawn1621 t1_j0f6sus wrote

Can we just go ahead and aim the JWST at it please?


Sufferment t1_j0f8tia wrote

What do you expect to see? Even if it's a waterworld, you won't find Kevin Costner.


PancakeExprationDate t1_j0fblj2 wrote

> Even if it's a waterworld, you won't find Kevin Costner.

Or would we? -queue the x-files theme-


LudSable t1_j0g3pqx wrote

Maybe they'll find Saul Goodman instead.


laserwolf2000 t1_j0h9uw2 wrote

Jwst has been looking at the Trappist system which is the most interesting system for habitable worlds


domino2064 t1_j0jmhp8 wrote

Assuming the planets haven't been stripped of their atmospheres. That's the huge unknown with red dwarfs right now, is whether or not they're stable enough to not turn their planets into baren rocks as a consequence of their tantrums.