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mightcommentsometime t1_j0lyplz wrote

You're trying to shift the burden of proof to me because I called your bullshit out, and you dont have the ability to actually back up the nonsense you keep making up about epidemiology.

Grow up. If you want to spout uneducated nonsense in the science subreddit, be prepared to be called out for it.


MUCHO2000 t1_j0m05mh wrote

I'm sorry? Go look at your replies to me. Now you're whining that I am not respecting your authority? Honestly it's pathetic.

You're mad because I'm not providing citations for my decidedly (I admit) unscientific post. Yet you refuted nothing and you missed the point on more than one occasion.

So either refute me or don't. I'm happy to learn new things but so far I have only learned you have a fragile ego.
