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TheDominantBullfrog t1_j0m8f0o wrote

Insane how exercise continues to be the one reliable marker of improving your all cause mortality by so many mechanisms.


designbat t1_j0mz23a wrote

My husband, who worked in nursing homes for a while, says, "Never stop moving. When you stop, you die."

Physical therapy sucks, but it's very much a if you don't use it, you lose it, situation.


TheDominantBullfrog t1_j0mzckr wrote

Absolutely. Working in EMS at 21 years old and seeing the difference between a good, active 50 and a sedentary, neglected 50 is a lesson I'll never forget. Motion is the lotion!


5tr4nGe t1_j0n164v wrote

Yeah I’m 30. And hopefully I’ll be going strong for a long time.

I work manual labour (relatively lightweight manual labour, but still manual labour) and I spend my weekends hiking and climbing.

I eat well, and I drink in moderation. I’m hoping that baring major injury I’ll be able to keep doing the things I love for a long time.


Number127 t1_j0nqbsg wrote

Watch out for your knees, my friend!


5tr4nGe t1_j0nqgc4 wrote

Thankfully they're holding up strong so far.


Number127 t1_j0nqj91 wrote

Of course they are, you're 30. :)


5tr4nGe t1_j0nqq6e wrote

True, I still have a good few years in them yet.

Hopefully they keep going though, I know plenty of people in their 50s who live like I do and they're only getting stronger with time.


TheDominantBullfrog t1_j0p601c wrote

Man I hate this kind of thing. What's he supposed to do, be less active because one day his knees may suddenly go bad? Your knees will eventually go bad regardless. Moderate daily activity is the best way to prevent it.


TheDominantBullfrog t1_j0p621d wrote

I'm 30 myself and have to be able to move for work and grapple as my primary hobby, so it's a good excuse to keep the diet, fitness, and recovery all lined up for as long as I can!


sterfri99 t1_j0ohdf6 wrote

Hey bud, word of advice from someone that started in EMS early too… go for medic ASAP if you think you like the field. Lifting less feels amazing on my back and knees, and I get paid more


TheDominantBullfrog t1_j0p0b85 wrote

I've been a medic for 8 years and working on RN. Not sure how it got you out of doing any lifting, though.


Bogmanbob t1_j0nvoxr wrote

Favorite story - “an older member of my running group was asked why he still runs. He said his friends who don’t can barely walk “. Any anti cancer benefits are just icing on the cake.


IlllIIllllIlIlllllll t1_j0o5ur8 wrote

Seems like classic confusion of causality. “All my friends who stopped standing up are now in wheelchairs! Go figure.”


TheDominantBullfrog t1_j0p0cs1 wrote

Not really. For the vast majority of people, not exercising is a choice they make.


KuriousKhemicals t1_j0oe4up wrote

I dunno, there's significant ground between regular running and struggling to walk. You'd think if the running wasn't helping (or an index of something else that helps, like general health motivation) then he'd know plenty of people who don't run but haven't lost much ability.


TheDominantBullfrog t1_j0p64ku wrote

It's just crabs on a barrel. According to people on this site you'd think 75% of people have a genetic metabolic condition while working 80 hours a week that prevents weight loss or exercise.


mxjuno t1_j0pbvu6 wrote

There’s a lot of data that supports it. I’m also a nurse with a master’s degree (so, extra research training!) and have seen it in the numbers and it’s glaringly obvious in real life. Anecdotally the people who are sedentary may not be dying but they are miserable af.