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Heres_your_sign t1_j0o26u2 wrote

It doesn't work in vivo. My wife has been on urso for decades AND was vaxxed as much as she legally could have been and still got a fairly strong symptomatic COVID.

I'm sure if I could access the original paper it probably says "in a mouse model".


SciGuy45 t1_j0obl0l wrote

Probability of prevention was in the 20-50% range according to the paper. Nothing is 100% perfect, and individual anecdotes don’t supersede careful experimentation.

The paper is open access so click the PDF link and read it.


KuriousKhemicals t1_j0oaxjj wrote

For whole organisms, it was hamsters. But they also demonstrated it in human organs, and better COVID outcomes among humans like your wife already taking it for other reasons. There's no way to know what her individual reaction to the virus would have been if she wasn't on the medication.

It's not a full double blind trial yet, but it's a lot more steps done than just rodents.


ammit84 t1_j0o9uk6 wrote

I've been on urso for almost 18 years. Covid kicked my ass hard. I still get a smokers cough when i get any bit sick.